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I worked out, my now my muscle is smaller

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Last night I did a good upper body workout. I went home, walked around my block and ate a protein bar and had some gatorade. Maybe I just need more time to rebuild my muscle but my arms both seem weaker right now and less dense. Anyone have anything to say? Also, does anyone take creatine? I'm thinking about starting.

BTW, I just started eating the protein after a workout and now I see less results than when not taking the protein.

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What kind of a workout did you do?


Usually after a work out, its a good idea to take WHEY protein, it gets absorbed by the body really fast. Protein bars are... meh. Gatorade wont help you build muscle.


What is your diet like? What are your height/weight/workout goals?

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Your body needs longer than 12 hours to regenerate. Your muscle actually does get weaker after you workout. When you lift heavy, you break down muscle fiber. Your body rebuilds up your muscle fiber to a stronger level in response to the stress in order to compensate for the next time you lift a heavy weight. I've heard to give at least 48 hours between lifting the same body part, but my experience has been to wait even longer around 3 days. You need to experiment and find out. Stick with the protein, it's good. No need for creatine, you can get results you want just with the protein.

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How long have you been working out for? i think you do the same thing as me... you look in the mirror a lot, and dont notice any change... or you think you got smaller.. but when you lift weights, your muscles dont just grow over night. it takes a lot of time and patience.

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Don't expect instant results your muscles will get weaker before they get stronger. In fact it should take at least a month for your muscles to become bigger in the meantime though your musclular endurance and ability to use your existing muscle will improve. Execise a different set up muscles every day don't do the same muscles two days in a row and wait just wait. Building muscles takes a long time even after a month only a small amount of muscle will have been built. FYI make sure the protien bar you are eating doesn't have palm oil in it. Alot of them do and its saturated fat so its no good. The power bar protien bars are good but anything w/o palm oil is good. Try for something with at least 23 grams of protien.

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I'm not expecting for them to grow over night, I know it takes time. For now I work out one day(same routine each day) then off for two or three days. I know the gatorade will not help with muscles, just saying what i was doing,lol. Been working out for a couple months. I go late at night. I usually lift dumbells and barbells cuase my left arm is weaker(no jokes) so i switch weights to try and keep em even.

Weight 193(not all fat) hight, 6 foot. Loosing wieght since workout so I'm happy and gaining muscle. I'm looking to just get more muscle definiton and mass.

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