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boyfriend birthday crisis

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Okay maybe this isn't a crisis per se, however, for my boyfriends birthday I told him he could have anything and everything he wanted. He told me he wants me to give him head and do a striptease. I don't have a problem doing it but I want it to be perfect. I'm very comfortable doing both(i given head quite a few times before and i've done lapdances and poledancing a lot!) But i really need this to be absolutely perfect! And i know in the FAQ it says about personal this tht and the other thing when it comes to oral... but i just want to know some techniques that worked for you guys. Okay wait let me restate my questions to make this post a little less confusing

1)Can you tell me about an experience either recieving or giving head that really worked well.

2)Can you tell me about an experience either recieving or giving a strip tease that really worked well.

3)Can you give me any advice on how to overcome or ignore or do *something* tht'll help with gag reflexes(he's 8in....)

4)This one is kind of off topic but it popped into my head, what's an interesting, or your favorite, sex position? Just in case my boyfriend asks me what i want to do again...

Any help would be *grrrrrreat!*


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About the age thing.....

Honestly, there are some really cool 15 year olds. Like my friend (who i met through other friends) he was 14 when we met him and we all thought he was atleast 17. He just turned 15 not that long ago and he is more mature than some of the 18 and 19 year old kids I know.

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OHH NO... NOT NO BUT HECK NO... You are only 15....


Lap dance at 15??? Oral??? OMG...


Look.. you are going to do what you are going to do.. regardless of what anyone says. Soooo... PLEASE protect yourself and use contraceptives...

not just as birth control..but to prevent disease.


Next... I know you didn't ask advice on should you..but HOW. When.. you get to be the ripe old age of 20... maybe I'll tell you. Because you are NOT ready at 15.. physically, mentally & Spiritually.... for this type of SENSUALITY or Eroticism.


IF you allow yourself to be used.. do not allow yourself time to grow into your own skin...and to allow mind, body, and spirit... to fuse. You will have done yourself a great disservice. And miss your potential. A young boy will rob you of this potential. HE doesn't know how to VALUE you ... nor will he VALUE you.


Sooo please think about NOT giving him head... or giving him a lap dance.

Reserve this GIFT... and it is a GIFT.. for someone special.. down the road. Who is deserving of this type of attention and love.

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Ok im going to be the voice of same ageness. Im 16 my boyfriend and i dated 10 months before i even gave him a hand job..11 before i gave him head and 13 months before we had sex. Now i dont regreat it even though we broke up a couple days ago. but i wouldnt recomend it either. Im the only one of my friends who does not regreat having sex with the person or at the time i did. and a lot of that has to do with the amount of time we dated and the fact that i love him (yes even still) and we knew eachother for 4 years, i mean the he lived on my block for heavens sake WE KNEW EACHOTHER. if you want to do this your not going to listen to us say dont, i know. so use protection no matter what type of sex ur having. now ill answer your questions cause if i dont ill be a hypocryte.

1. GAG REFLEXES- close your eyes and take deep breaths through your nose

2. WHAT FELT BEST DURRING HEAD- now i dont have a penis so i cant say exactly but grabbing the bed post, to me, seems like a sign of pleasure so he did that when i was sucking, moving my tongue around and going in and out at the same time.

no ive never done a stip tease so i dunno. actually i would like to know that one for future reference

BUT really really think about this and you say youve given head before...HOW THE HEAK OLD WERE YOU?????? you should have been playing a sport or barbies or something.

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I understand she's asking for advice on HOW TO. And I don't feel comfortable giving it to a 15 year old. But I will give her advice...woman to woman.. sister to sister.. and teach. Its my responsibility as an adult. Its my responsibility as a woman. I'd much rather spare her the feelings that can come from NOT having a good experience at such a tender of an age.


YES... she will do it. And yes... there is information up and down this forum that will instruct her in the Erotic Arts.


However, maybe I can impart some wisdom....and tell her WHY it may not be a good idea.


Ever heard the saying.. "Its all fun and games until someone's eye gets poked out..." LOL.


To the poster... knowledge is power. And I applaud your tenecity and verve in getting information. Collect the data... Anaylze it...and then do what thou will. BE SMART... and BE SAFE. And above all To thy own self be true... BE PARTICULAR.

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i dont know why people are so caught up with age. put yourself in her shoes and tell me u as a 15 year old isnt horny as hell 24 hours a day. but anyway


make sure you focus in the head of the penis cause thats where most of the nerves are and take it froma guy i know what im talking about. as for the dancing, make sure u show alot of booty but make it erotic(where a sexy thong or maybe lingerie) and rub up against him and be a tease.


i hope i was a little bit of a help and dont ever listen to people telling you not to do something if you feel ready to do it. go with your gut.

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