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i want to do this right

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the other day i got some pretty okay advice (except for starscream) after i got off the computer i ran into the girl i like. we talked and for the first time in a long time i really opened up. i actually smiled a few times and really felt comfortable doing it. i know someone like starscream may think this is sissy crap but for me it meant something that was pretty good. the next day she saw me and called my name out and asked me if we were gonna meet in the library again. i didn't really think she wanted to but it was great that she did. we talked....but not like the last time. sometimes i find myself holding back as to not talk too much or say something stupid. and i'm not sure the next time i see her but i know i want to ask her out. but have i proven myself any? i mean i'm not acting like ''the great starscream" here and according to him all girls like to be treated badly by the bad boy cause if you do something nice that means you a pvssy. cause if that retarded thinking is true, then i truly am not good enough for a girl. should i apologize for the times i kinda don't say much? sometimes we're on the bus and i don't really say much, i mean we talk but not the whole way home. is that okay? also, is there a particular way i should ask her out? i want to be humble but once again people like starscream think that's for the sissies. sarcasm aside, i want to do this right cause i have alot to prove. i want to believe there is something good about me that people will like. i don't want to be some stupid thug. they may have the ho's as they call them but they will never truly know what true love is. in fact i hope they all grow old and fat and suffer from alhezmers disease and end up getting treated badly in some run down nursing home. yeah that was mean but people like starscream deserve it not a pretty girl. any way i know i've written alot but i hope at least someone took the time to read all this. thanks and bye for now.


(by the way starscream is a "contributor" on this site. which makes me wonder: if he's so thuggish and gets all the ho's then why the hell is he on this site. (dumba$$)

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Hey now, we don't need to prototype people lol. No offense taken though. I'm only on here a lot because all my friends work at different times and it's hard for us to get a day that we're all off.


But anyway, it is up to you to initiate the conversation. I wouldn't come straight out asking her out yet. I'd talk or her more first, unless you really know what she's like. Maybe you can ask her on a date and just have fun with her and hang out first. Hmmm....but don't talk TOO much and don't hang with her TOO much either, they like to come up with that "brother" thing a lot.


Like on the bus, i would sit by her and talk to her as much as possible.

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