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Hello All-


I will try to condense my story. Four years ago I started dating this guy and over the past four years we have been on and off a few times. In the past two years he has moved to NC and I am in FL. He has a business there and I just graduated from college. I love him and know there could be a future with him and he feels the same way. He has asked me to move to the area so we can no longer have a long distance relationship, but rather see if we are to go to the next stage, ie living together. Now in the meantime, I am unsure of what career I want, so I started looking into the Navy to be an officer. I never did any military things in my life, but think there are a lot of positives out of the career. I am unsure of what to do, because my heart and my head are in two different spots.


Any insight would be great. Thanks all.

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This seems to be something that is totally based on what you want and how you are feeling. Nobody can make the decision for you. However, I sure think it is a lot to ask of you to have you move all the way up there to live with him. For example, would he do it for you? I doubt he would because of everything he has going for himself. And this is when your feelings come into factor. Yes you may see a future with him and you love him, but probably the more deeper question is do you see happiness in another state, with him? I think that it seems like a pretty chunk of a step. You two are having a long distance relationship and now all of a sudden your going to live together. Don't you think that you should try just visiting for a weekend or two a little bit and see what it will be like before you take the jump. This is just my advice! Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi amy102481,


I had to agree with precious_babae in taking baby step when moving in together.


I think it would be good to pursue a career that you like. I would suggest you to for it. If both of you would like to cut the distance, think of the option or ways where you could pursue your career as a Navy officer in the same place as your boy friend. Mutual sacrifice is important.

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