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Email i sent to my ex....

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Hi Phil,


I know how hard this past weeks have been to you and I wish by now all the pain had ended, but unfortunately it isn't that way life works. There're some rough times waiting for you, although this e-mail could be the beginning of your healing process.

Like you say, it isn't fair to your (and even for herself) if you just sit there and wait for her. Of course, this has nothing to do with another relationship or something like that, but only be open for what life has deserved for you.

Personally, I want to thank you. You know a bit of my story and how I'm overcoming most of it, but only today, when reading your e-mail, I realize what is missing so I could had been able to close the door – and it was a letter like this, in a way I could exorcize some feelings. Perhaps, my healing process could be faster. We only learn by our mistakes and definitely today I feel stronger. In that sense, I'm relieved for what happen. I wish we could be together but life… is what it is and I know I can't or want to hang up my life.

Although the pain, I'm confident about the future and I'm sure we have great things and persons (either our "renewed" exs or other wonderful persons) waiting for us.

Only we have to do: just relax and enjoy our ride…


Hang in there.



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Hi Paula. Thanks for your kind comments. You are one of a few people recently who have been a pillar of strength for me, and i appreciate it more than you know.


It makes me very happy to think that by reading this, you have realised how to make another step towards being over your ex. I hope others find something similar. I was slightly hesitant about posting such a personal email on this site, but now i'm glad i did. Bottom line is that we're all here to share not only problems, but solutions too.



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Wow...that is heartfelt and to the point, Phil!


It's beautiful...i really do hope you get the answer you were hoping for. I really do. I hope everything works out over there. Maybe she will open here eyes and realize you are a good thing for her. Here's praying!


Good luck!

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