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I don't like being with my immature friends.

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I am getting increasingly annoyed because all of my friends are immature drunk perverts. One of my friends is 22 and he likes to pick up 15 year old girls (I think I wrote about that in a previous post...). ANd my other friends all look at porn all day, or they get drunk too much, or they do other immature things and it really annoys me. I tend to be a mature and responsible person, and hanging around with these guys is really annoying.


I have tried soooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to find new friends but it really is difficult. I try new places, do new things, but every time I find the people I meet are less mature than me. They are mindless, ignorant, impulsive, undisciplined, and the like. I want friends who don't look at porn, don't get drunk, and have some meaningful direction in thier life, but they seem hard to find.


Today I saw my pervert friend (the one who hangs out with 15 year old girls) drive by and i thought about flagging him down and hanging out with him, but then I thought it would not be worth hanging out with this pervert.


I just hate the fact that I can't seem to find any friends with any sense of maturity!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hmm for starters i wouldn't really call them friends. Friends are people who you can get along with well and enjoy each others company. Seems like the wrong label. Have you told them subtly about how u feel about their behaviour? Unless they change in themselves it looks like you may be at loose end. I guess all i can say is keep trying to find new friends and if you have any that are particularly close to you, who u don't find annoying, treasure them!

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It does tend to get harder to make new friends as you get older. I think it's because when you are younger, it's much easier to get 'bonding' experiences... as you age, that gets less and less. At 22, it's obvious that your friends are revelling in the over 21 phase (I went through that)... although your other frind that picks up 15 year olds... well.. whatever, who am I to judge.


You may not be religious, but it might be appropriate to meet people with similar 'mature' mindset in a church environment. You don't even need to be religious to go to church and it's a great way to meet people. I went to a church in college where I didn't believe much of what they were saying, but made some good friends debating the various doctrines and, in general, found a social outlet that didn't revolve around drinking.


Just a thought... you may also try looking into some of the non-profit organizations where you can meet many people with a more mature outlook.


Good luck... It just seems you've outgrown your friends... go your own way and don't let them perr pressure you, they'll respect you more if you go your own way and do your own thing. They may grow up eventually

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I went through the same thing a year or so ago. Its rough but here are a few ideas.


Church was a good idea. I mean ya dont have to believe a whole lot and people do tend to have some maturity there. This worked out for me.


Start by not joining your friends when they do things. I had some friends who just sat around and played video games all day. I love video games but i mean im not into wasting my life. So any time they would call me to hang out i just wouldnt go. Id make something up if i had to. Its hard to have other things to do when these are really your only friends but for now doing nothing is better then doing the immature stuff ya dont like.


If you have a friend that is mature start hanging out with that person more. Dont spend everyday with the person, but the more time around them the better. They might know some cool, mature people. Its all about putting yourself in an enviornment that has a chance to be good. If hanging out with your friends usually sucks, take yourself out of that enviornment.

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Why dont you join a local club or volunteer organization? Youll meet people interested in the same things you are & that have some sense of direction & common mind set.


and i wouldnt call these guys your 'friends' they sound like acquaintances, or people you know that you hang out with b/c no one else is around...



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