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jealousy and insecurity...

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Ok i know im insecure but maybe there is something else goin on? I have been with the same guy for 1 1/2, When we are around other ppl and see a pretty girl around i always feel like he is staring at her, or any pretty woman for that matter, and when he talks to a girl i feel like he is flirting when he says hes not. I know he looks,and its in a mans nature. but it bugs me whenever we out together. Even if were having dinner at a resturaunt i feel like he is looking -Whats wrong with me? I havent always been this way with him...

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It sounds like you love him. I know one thing for sure you're definitely jealous! Been there and done that with my first husband!


There's no rule that says we can't do 'window shopping'. As long as that's all he's doing you should be ok. However, I don't like the idea he's doing it when you're having a meal together. Was this a romantic meal? If it was say, 'You know when we were at ..... you upset me by looking at a girl. It's not very nice when we're supposed to be having a romantic meal.' That sort of thing.


In future when you go out for a meal make sure you're in front of him. You choose the table. Make sure it's in a corner/quiet place and position yourself so he has his back towards other people.


You mention he's flirting. I don't think he realises he's doing it. However, flirting doesn't mean he wants an affair! If you're still not happy with the situation after you've tried my advice then you're going to have to decide how important an issue it is. Do you stay with him or find someone who doesn't do it?


Good luck and let me know how you're doing.

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For one and a half years, this man has been with you. thereforeeee he is not picking up women all over the place.


He is with you.


The main point is: do you trust him?


Thank you i agree, and sometimes i think that im overreacting i guess im just a little jealous natured, but havent really been that way with other men. I do trust him, but guess have had my share of problems in past relationships with lying and such, could be from that.

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My girlfriend confronted me on this a while back. I was doing the "window shopping" but I've never cheated on her. The thing is, I love my gf and I make sure to tell her so. To respect her I've had to make a consious effort to change my ways and not do the "window shopping" as much. I admit, I still do it, but I try to catch myself and stop. If you really feel disrespected when he looks at other women you need to talk to him about it. If he really cares he'll at least appologize and/or make an attempt at respecting your feelings (though subtle it may be).


P.S. As a sde note, my gf is still the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes upon!

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