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Finding out a girls 'status'

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When I approach a girl I am always worried that I am going to find myself chatting up someone who is in a relationship. So... How best to say it without sounding a freak, or would it just be a better idea to get a conctact number and find out in a more subtle fashion, at the risk of getting a full phone book?

Thanks all...

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Its not thst hard

A girl who is amenable to being chatted up doesnt usually have a boyfriend. If she does and is still amenable you can ask soemthing simple like, Do you usually come here with your boyfriend?

If a girl gives you her number etc she usually wants to see you again, so dont be shy!!


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Actually from a girl's point of view, it's flattering if a guy wants to know one's availability, so no need to feel freakish about asking. Try humor. Make a joke out of it. "So you think it'd be all right with your bf if I took you to the movies on Friday?" This way you'll get an answer and find out if she's a feminist too! Woohoo!

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I personally don't like when guys outright ask me whether I have a boyfriend or not. It makes me think that our conversation will end there if I do have a boyfriend, without the possibility of ever becoming friends, or even just an occasional acquaintance to talk to. The process I like is long, and maybe a bit unrealistic. I'd rather get to know eachother a little bit and talk occasionally, and once we get comfortable with eachother I will let him know more about my personal life. Otherwise, to me it just seems like the guy wants either a relationship or nothing. What's wrong with being friends?


If you really want to know her status, you could always ask her friends if you know them also.

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Perhaps we should have some kind of signal or logo people could wear to indicate their marital/relationship status - a badge or sticker or something - like Indian women wear on their foreheads! It would certainly help avoid sticky situations, and wasting hours or years of people's times!


I personally don't like when guys outright ask me whether I have a boyfriend or not. It makes me think that our conversation will end there if I do have a boyfriend, without the possibility of ever becoming friends, or even just an occasional acquaintance to talk to. The process I like is long, and maybe a bit unrealistic. I'd rather get to know eachother a little bit and talk occasionally, and once we get comfortable with eachother I will let him know more about my personal life. Otherwise, to me it just seems like the guy wants either a relationship or nothing. What's wrong with being friends?


If you really want to know her status, you could always ask her friends if you know them also.

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