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Ex Girl and her stuff

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Can you possibly bundle it all up and drop it off at her front door or at a mutual friends or one of her family members? If it was not for the bike I would say mail it....but I would still bundle it all up and drop it off somewhere.


Or send her an email saying she has one week to get it, or it goes to charity.


Just get it out of there, stop waiting for her to get it. It can't be that important if she is in no rush...or she is using it as an excuse. But whatever the reason it is inconvenient to you to keep those reminders around too.

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she broke up with me to try out a new guy who lives out of state. she gave me the BS excuse that our personalities dont match. She was really mean and hurtful during the breakup process (which took over 3 months).


Throw her crap out, why do you care if she ever gets it back after that kind of treatment. Tell to stop being a stupid (insert explicitive here) and to leave you alone.

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By holding on to her stuff, you're giving her a reason to contact you. Do not give her one. I tell everyone this when it comes to giving your exes stuff back and I'll tell you the same thing: get it back to her today. Many don't understand what this means, or why you should. One, it causes far too much drama as it already has with you. If you can't ship it to her (paying the cost of shipping is a lot cheaper price than all the emotional turmoil you're dealing with now), then bring it to her house. You don't have a truck for her bike? Ask a buddy, or better yet, ride it over to her house and bring your running shoes so you can run back home. The bottom line: get her stuff back to her today. When you drop it off, leave a note on her door, or email, or if you're shipping it get a delivery confirmation. This is a very easy problem to solve. Take care of business.

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one of my exs left a ton of clothes at my house. eventually i told her "come get it in the next week or im giving it to the salvation army."


a few weeks later she was pissed because i gave her nice clothes to the salvation army...at least somebody is warm somewhere

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Well if she lives close enough to you to be able to just take her the stuff then do it. if not then mail her the shirts and get the bike to one of her friends houses or something like that.


by holding that stuff you are empowering her to have a continual excuse to stop by or to call you or whatever. and if you truly want this to stop then do something about it.


if you want to have a reason to see her again then keep ahold of the stuff and realize then that you have deeper issues about this than just the stuff.


OH and btw...yes all girls are crazy..


and girls yes all guys are idiots....so its balanced

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You can but it by the side of the rode and I am sure someone will take it!

Like you said, she is playing games with you. Girls are like that.. we do it cause we can we also do it cause we really want you to think about us... this is the wrong way to do it, at this point I would do anything to get my ex to think about me, the only difference is I really want him back, so I went down the road of giving him space.


let us know how get the bike first, her, the homeless person who needs ... or the garbage truck!~

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