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what does she want from me

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i new a girl when i was in pre k we were friends then we got sent 2 diffrent schools.and i didnt see her for like 16 years. so finally we started going 2 the same college and we began talking and it was like we were never apart.so on valentines day i brought her a card and she smiled and gave me a hug.and she asked for my phone number.so i gave it 2 her,but she never called me so 1 day i told her 2 call me and she said ok .so i asked her for her phone number.and she gave it 2 me but i never called her.(i dont know why) we were very good friends she would let me and my friend come 2 her job and give us clothes.everytime i saw her in school i always squezzed her and hugged her and she always wanted 2 sit next 2 me she laughed at everything i said.and she gave me her last piece of cake even though some 1 else asked before me. she used 2 always ask 2 wear my gold chain.she used 2 find reasons 2 come over my house. but 1 day me and 2 of my friends went over her house at 1 in the morning unannounced her mother and father was pissed@ me and she has been acting diffrent with me i gave her a card it explaned how i felt and she smiled at me and hugged me, but i was always doing silly shit around her and making her feel bad.(i dont knoow why) but its like when im ignoring her and teasing her she wants 2 be around me.everymonth for atleast 5 days she goes through her i hate you phase. and i dont even know why.i really like her but i always do stupid shit 2 her i always tell her that her twin sister looks better then her. and know some other man is spending time with her all the time and its making me very angry but i dont show it.i asked her 2 come over my hous and she was like naw because she know all we going 2 do is argue and im going 2 make her feel bad. she also said i play 2 much.(i do play 2 much) but im ready 2 chill.the other day she asked me a question and dicks (she is a 20 year old virgin) i was shocked. she told me i only have 1 thing on my mind and that was sex.i really like this girl and i never meant 2 hurt her but she thinks im a bad person now WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING 2 DO.

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Ok I hope you can see why she thinks your are maybe a little unsafe (emotionally that is) You tease her, are down right rude sometimes, and have kept her around without any indication of wanting something real.

If you "dont know why" you treated her that way, as you stated, then time to figure out why. If you are college age there is no reason to treat any woman that way. And once you figure out why you do it, then go to her. Go to her with complete honesty and tell her why. Dont say "i dont know why" you must have a reason if you want her to think you are honest.

the only way you can win this girl is if you stop the crap, show her show her and show her agian that you mean what you say. At the point she likes you.....why I'm not sure, but it looks like you still have a chance.

Be real, be honest and treat her like the queen she is...

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Is it really sex that you want? You've got to stop the playing around and be cool. Just be cool. Treat her different, don't say you will, just do it. Do nice things, be there for her and be honest with yourself. Maybe you're nervous when you do those hurtful things. When you say something nice you're going to do, stick with it. and just be NICE. Nothing good ever comes from playing around when she takes hurtfully. Especially from a 20 year old virgin.

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hey dreamer,


I sympathise with your situation. It seems that in the beginning you were giving her positive buying signals and it was HER that was confusing you and playing the games ! It also seems she was leading you on by being over-friendly with you,without ever having the intention to start a relationship with you. NOW THIS IS THE PART THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS MISSED OUT ON...when you "ignore" her and "tease" her, she wants to be around you, like you said dreamer. When you start showing your serious side..she makes excuses not to meet up with you. THINK ABOUT IT,AND THEN NEVER AGAIN FEEL ASHAMED FOR PLAYING GAMES WITH THIS WOMAN !! she is just as playful and just as unwilling to face rejection as yourself . My advice would be : just grab her at an opportune moment and kiss her on the lips. don't excuse it or back it up with motivation or a compliment for her...just do it ! If she shows disinterest..forget about her and move on ! GOOD LUCK BRO 8)

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