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i feel so lonely without him & we went so far

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my bf broke up with me for alot of reasons after dreaming and planning to get married i cant live without him and he seems not to care...we broke up for 32days now he didnt call i keep calling but he gives attittude i dunno what to do should i call him and try ? and we went so far he made it sure 1000% we'll get married..i am in deep sh** i guess

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Did you ever meet him in person?


I know it does not seem like it, but at 16 you have a lifetime ahead of you, and this guy is very unlikely to be the "one" for you for the rest of your life. Nothing wrong with dreaming about marriage, but marriage is more than a romantic decision, there are many realities that go along with it and at 16 you just are not ready to embrace those realities yet.


You CAN live without him, everyone CAN live without another person - there are people who have been with their loved ones for years and years and lost them either to breakups or death yet live on, heal and move on. Yes it sucks to lose someone, but your life does not end. If you feel it does, then you have to learn to love yourself first and realize your life is not dependent on someone else for its meaning.


If he is being cruel, stop talking to him, go into no contact mode and focus on yourself and healing/moving on. It takes TWO to make a relationship work, and he has given you enough indication he is not in it with you, so let it go. STOP calling him, that is NOT attractive behaviour in the least but even more so prevents you from moving on and healing.

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Just let this guy go, if he hasnt called you back after 32 days it obviously shows that he doesnt care about how you feel. 16 is too young of an age to be planning out a marriage, but you can always dream of it. There are other guys out there that will possibly become the one you were looking for and may even be better than this guy.

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Consider yourself lucky that he is letting you go now instead of stringing you along further. Someone that lets you down like that isn't good marriage material anyway. You should be with someone who is just as excited about being with you, as you are about being with them.


I know you're crushed and heartbroken right now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Time is the only thing that can cure a broken heart. When the tiem is right you will marry the right one. I suggest you keep NC- don't call. Every moment you waste on him is energy lost and your future happiness put on hold.




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but you guys he loves me i know that but he always thinks am doing something wrong like this time he didnt call for 32 days because i had 2 go and tell my friend bye b4 she travels he was lyk no i lied 2 him i went 2 see her he found out cause he asked me to call him from the house phone i couldnt but still i was struggling that i didnt go ..try 2 understand me but he doesnt want me 2 go out or talk 2 guys or wear something tight if he gave me the freedom and the trust i wouldnt do this ... the other thing that i called him after it i started crying i dunno how 2 say it but he gave me sth no1 gave me b4 and he said ok forget it i'll 4give u but we got into a silly fight seemed that things will never be the same because he cant 4get and i cant imagin howcome he left me alone thought i am staying in this country almost alone 4 him my mom traveled i was supose 2 travel with her but he was lyk stay 4 me and i did and now i am all alone.... the silly fight that i didnt call him back after his call he waited 4 30mins he got so mad while i was waitting 4 him 4 3hours ..its not fair but i love him i knew him from the net i was just out of a bad relationship he kept running after me and he showed me he is always there 4 me and that he loves me alot we went out i scarificed alot i went out with him without my parents permission i used 2 see him when no1 knows i gave him everything even my body cause he told me dont worry we'll get married then HE LEAVES ME !! how ?? i saw his friend yesterday he was like try this guy is very kind try and u'll have the chance he loves you i dunno what to do ! u guys should i call HELP PLZ..

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