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I really don't know whats going on

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Hi everyone,


I met someone recently, and I really haven't felt the same since I did. Initially, I though it was just an attraction, but I realised that I really am interested in this person and I want to spend time with them more and more. I would definitely consider this person as a partner - my last 5 year relationship finished up 2 years ago. I had not met anyone really suitable since - and to be honest, I hadn't been looking that hard.


Can anyone help me figure out what to do here.



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I think you should ask her out, not like a date but just to hang out, then maybe later on it wouldn't be as awkward when you tell her how you feel about her. You should slowly advance your relationship with her, give her a call once in a while (if you already do then it's koo) to just say hi, which shows that you are a nice caring person, but don't move too fast. Because when guys move too fast, to me it seems like they are not really the serious type.

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