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Kind of confused

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Well there is this girl at work that i work with.She says these good things about me.LIke that i am not bad looking,im fun to talk too,and that im nice and caring.Why wouldnt she like a guy like me i mean if she thinks those things of me?Instead she is going for some other guy and i dont know whats so special about him.I heard her mention something about hes really hot.Sorry i am trying to stay away from that aspect but maybe she goes for a guys that r better looking.Maybe she was lying about some of the things about me.I know im really nice and caring but thats about it iono

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Hey Shinobie, Girls can be very confusing, can't they? Well I hate to break it to you, but she's telling you the truth.

- She does think you're attractive, fun, nice, and caring.

- But she also thinks that guy is hot.


In her multiple crush world, one statement does not contradict the other.


The question is what do you want to do about this? I suggest you play it cool (don't chase!), be confident in who you are (because she obviously likes you for you), and flirt with her whenever you're in the vicinity. Make a concerted effort to keep the interactions between you playful & positive, and I think you'll soon notice her growing attraction to you. 8)

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ty for your post smallworld it is very helpful. I find it really HARD to flirt because i am extremely shy.Especially when someone says something nice about me like a compliment i just mumble on and dont say anything.Ive always had problems with this like one of my best friends got mad because he complimented me and i said heck no im not or something.I dont know how to flirst with a women im bad at it actually im bad at everything yes girls are very confusing i say i prolly understand them .1% .

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Hey Shinobie, when someone gives you a compliment they're taking time out to tell you that they like something about you. If you refute it, it's like refusing a "gift" and insulting the person's intelligence who gave it to you (as if they don't know what they're taking about.) This is why your friend got mad and why it's better for you and your complimenters if you just learn to accept compliments graciously. Just smile and say "Thanks!" They'll feel good, you'll feel good, and the whole embarrassing ordeal will soon be over. I promise!


As for flirting, it's not difficult. It's fun! It's all about being playful and making someone smile and feel special. With that girl you're taking about, you can joke with her about how hot you think you are. Pretend to be vain. Ham it up! Strike poses when you know she's the only one looking. Girls love that stuff.


Btw even if you're in the "friend" category, flirting is never wasted. It's good to exercise your flirting skills before you need the real thing. 8)

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