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For the longest time I've always dressed and acted more like a guy than a girl. I'm 15 I've dressed this way as far back as I can remember. Obveiously people made fun of me constantly. I was called names from the usual a 'guy' to being a 'dy ke'. Eventually I got so sick of it because I was being me the only way I knew how to and I couldn't go one day without people saying crap about me. I even had the thought of hurting my self, but never did. Then I thought I had the answer by trying to start wearing girlier clothes and that only made it worse. I've gone back to wearing my usual clothes. And I find myself hanging out with guys and getting along with them totally fine, because I act like them more, but when I hangout with my girl- friends I feel as though I'm not myself and I'm trying to lie to myself just to fit in with them. I'm seen more as the 'guys friend' type more than the 'girl friend' type, but I don't want to be the 'friend' anymore. I'm sick of it but I still want to be me. Can anyone give me some advice? I'd really appreciate it. Thanx

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im a guy, so although i cant exactly relate to your situation i will let ya know what i think...you should be yourself and if you feel more comfortable hangin with the guys than do it....it doesnt mean you are gay or weird. But heres my REAL advice...HIGH SCHOOL IS NOT ANYTHING LIKE "REAL LIFE". KIDS THAT ARE MAKING FUN OF YOU ARE COMPLETELY IMMATURE AND IF YOU CONTINUE BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF AND DONT TRY TO "FIT IN", THEY SHOULD GIVE YOU RESPECT BY THE TIME YOU'RE A JUNIOR OR SENIOR WHEN THEY GROW UP. thats what i think anways....

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Well the good news is when you get a little older this wont matter a bit. For now you should continue being you..I know you think you "should" fit into certian roles, but its awesome being yourself. When you find someone you like you do need to approach them as such though. If you always approach as a friend, they might not see you as anything else. And not always because of the way you dress but how you present your intentions.

In regards to hanging out with the girls..there are plenty of girls who are not all frilly...you just have to take your time and find them...but they are out there.

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But dont forget people needs to diss others. It will always be like that. Its all upon you to decide if yes or no you will accept it. People dissed me and threat me like a dog cause of my brothers and sisters. But well someday I get real pissed and smash the hole crew for the hole year. There is communication but well I was 6ft4 in that time and didn't fear anyone. Stand on your two feet and tell them to FUC K OFF !!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG IM IN THE SAME SITUATION AS U SISTA! my names becky, im a tomboy, i dress like a guy, have lotsa guy friends, im no dyke either, yea i know it can get kind of hard in schoo when peeps call u shit and make fun of u, they do that to me, u know wut u gotta do? Tell em u dont give a shit... lol,, i know if i dressed up in a mini skirt or in feminem clothin id feel ashamed of myself and id feel like im not bein me. Hanging out with feminem people doesnt make me feel right either.

it feels kinda like they too delicate to hang out wit, right? and in gym, h alf my class is all like ,..... hmm how can i say it,. japs gurls tha act like they all that and dont wanna break nails and shit, and i didnt even touch em and they start screamin tha im slappin em or somthn.

jus be urself, im exactly like u,,, omg this is so cool!

lololol add me on msn if u can email removed

i am 15 too, im going to gr 10 this year...

tell me how u doin .. byebye

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