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Lost my sense of humour

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Hey, recently I've been feeling like I've lost my sense of humour. I guess it's gradually gone down because a few years ago I used to make people laugh all the time. Lots of people told me I was the funniest guy they knew, not for telling jokes, but just being generally funny. Nowadays if I even attempt to say something funny it rarely gets a 'real' laugh, I feel like I've lost something. Another thing I have noticed is when I'm hanging around with my friends and one of them says something and everybody laughs, I don't really laugh like I used to. I used to laugh quite loud like, "HAHAHAH!" now it's more like, "heheheh". At first I thought it was confidence, but my confidence has never been higher than it is right now, but I still feel unfunny.


Has anybody else ever felt like this, or dose anybody have any ideas?

I'm gonna go watch some comedy dvds, hopefully that will bring back my lost humour...




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Dude this same thing I am expereiencing also. I am 24 and when I was in high school it seemed that I made everyone laugh now, not so much. I think that it is the people I may be hanging around or lack there of? Im not too sure becuase over all I am a quite humorous guy. As for the lack of confidence thing, perhaps that is the prob with me but again, Im not too sure. Im also kinda ready for change and have a lot on my plate so perhaps that is a reason why I feel as if my humor has dwindled. Maybe this is why yours is also in a slump, because you are dealing with some external pressures? Let me know whats up and anyone else can throw down also!

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Perhaps it's because the humor that you once had was only funny at that age?


As you get older certain kinds of humor becomes dull. For example, humor from a kid's Disney movie won't be very funny to a late teenager. Now I'm not saying that you had this kind of humor, I don't know, I'm assuming probably not. I just know that the more mature people get, the more mature humor (it sounds like an oxymoron) there is. The humor of a 21 year old college student is probably not the same as that of a high school student.


The opposite has kind of happened to me. I used to have no sense of humor, but now I am starting to get a sense of it.


It's all about timing. Maybe you got too predictable around your friends. Humor isn't exactly WHAT you say but when you say it in some cases.

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