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I was just wondering whats out there, i know loads of straight sex stuff, but not alot of gay sex stuff, you know tips, techniques suggestions that kind of stuff. And i would love to have some good informative responses not just "oh, well im not gay and find it disgusting but i spose" none of that, just good informative responses. thanks in advance.

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ok, here is a gay man willing to answer any question you ask. I don't have too much experience, but i might be able say something. but what is the exact question? Is there something you're thinking about in particular? I suppose i can answer general questions in the open forum, but if you have a question of a more "graphic" nature, shall we say, feel free to PM me.

Just a simple bit of advice: its not as complicated as you think. Just go with what feels good. Being a guy, you already know what feels good for you. You can pretty much assume the same thing will feel good to another man.

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