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well................my boyfriend broke up with me and he said he'll be back with me later but it's just we're moving on to a different school 2gether with alot more people and i'm thinkin that he mite fall in love with someone else so i'm just so afraid that he will but from my last post on the whole education thing was that a stupid excuse??? because he didn't sound really serious....... so i'm just wondering if he does ask me out should i say yes or should i say no but he falls easily for a pretty girl but i think i'm not beautiful for him even though he said so once when i was like i'm ugly..or is he just trying to make me feel better.....i don't understand guys as much!!!!!! i just think this is a whole mistake i jsut can't go on from our break up....it's hard...especially since he was my first love

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Me being a guy and all I think I'm able to help you with your situation.

When us guys say that we'll get back with you we probably won't because

that is our way of getting rid of you with giving you some hope. This guy you used to go out with is probably wanting to hook up with other girls at the other school, and he is just letting you think that he will get back with you just in case he runs out of girls. He right now consideres you someone to be with when there is no one else around. So If i was you I would get over him and just move on because once he sees that you have moved on, he will regret having dumped you and may want to get back with you because he has seen that you are a different person now.


good luck!!!!


get back to me and tell me what you've decided on doing

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well thank you so much...rj...i guess well i think i could move on and your rite..your reply just made me cry!!!!! i'm osrry i can't help it especially when i've like him for 4 years....i guess he will forget about me and go with other girls...i'm jsut like his understudy i guess.. thank you so much!

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