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Ok I know this guy from church and like we got really really close and we were both sacred to ask each other out. Becuz we didn't know if I really really like him or just as a friend and I felt the same way. And just like not too long ago he ask me out and we been going out for like 2weeks and be4 it was sooo…awesome becuz he would always call me and like say all these cute things and do silly noises to put a smile on my face all the time when I am down and now I like call him all the time and when I d he is always hanging with his friends and like we barley even tlk bout anything any more and we just don't have no clue what to tlk bout and like we both really want our relationship to last and I just want to know what I could do to keep it up and not make our relationship go down the drain. Like it did with almost all the other nasty sickening guys that I went out with all becuz we never tlk bout anything or see each other enough and I just hated that and now I feel that way again and like I don't want to lose this great guy I am with and he was the only one who would ever open up to me and say things freely and I could do the same and we both would understand what we meant and not took it the wrong way and it is just so great I just don't know what to do keep our relationship strong….help plz….. hey boy i'll vbehey

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I think that you should tell him how you feel. Communication is always the most important thing in any relationship for it to survive and grow. If he is like the really shy type of guy, just be patient and try to encourage him to takl about something that interests him.

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I think that you are expecting too much from this guy just because he is now your boyfriend. However I think that you should talk to him and explain things and how you are feeling. U have to realise that he has other things and people in his life besides you okay, so don't fret much. Or maybe, you guys were meant to be frenz?????? Hate to say that, but its an angle. Good luck anyways.

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me and him get along ssssssso...great he is a guy who opens up to me and can tell me anything and i can tell him anything and we would get what we was saying and like i was tlking him to day and i am out of state and he was wondering if i was ok he thought that i was hurt or something becuz he havent heard from me and like a few days and he was just checking up on me and seeing if i am ok. and i thought that was so awsome of him to do that most of the guys i ever went out with is drunk-es and pot heads and low down drit bags and just wanna have sex with me and like he was asking me what was the longest relationship that i ever had and i said 3 months 3weeks and 3days. and he said he wants to break that and he told me like 2...3....years and he said even more than that. and omg he gives me ssssssso much respect. to me to my friends and he is just the nicest guy u could ever meet. well he was shy at first but he came around but our only problem is we can never think of anything to tlk bout just hey whats up and like we would sit ther and jsut wouldnt say anything ...and like we can barely see eachother just at my house only see him once a week and i jsut wanna see him more!!!! but i jsut dont no how to or what to do. he tells me that i just amazes him and ways that no gurl ever has. he says he gets all these werid feelings inside and jsut makes him just idk he could never say

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It seems to me like this guy wants to be in your life for a long time, so are going to be quiet for those three or more years that he sees between you. Well, I guess the easiest thing that you have to do is start by talking about mutual interests and then go on from there. You have to be able to communicate or you will not see those three years that you are thinking of. make an effort to draw him out more if he is rather shy or cant talk. Talk about the general stuff that does not involve you or him, it helps in breaking the ice.

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he says he wants to stay with me and like he is the sweetest guy that anyone would ever meet. but i just wish we could see each other more...but i am the baby in the family and my dad and mom isnt so cool with me and guys just 1 and that my cousin dud!!!! and i can never go anywhere or stay late anywhere if i am not with him so that really sux!!!! when we r together we tlk jsut not on the phone its cool and all that we do mostly is talk on the phone and we jsut wanna see each other more....than jsut once a week yall must have been in my spot sometime in yr life too...but we just want to be with eachother....and idk what to do and i have no ride to get thr....or anything

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