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When do you know to change careers?

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I know there is no "right" time but it seems like every job I get into, I get taken advantage of either by being underpaid or overworked. I'm not trying to gripe or whine, I'm just saying I think I let a lot of people walk all over me because I don't know how to communicate my needs socially and since people see this or sense it, they tend to exploit it. I'll give you an example: My last job in 2001, lasted 3 years, I worked hard, got little raises about .30 a year, and never really moved up at all in rank or seniority. Then my next job comes along, and I'm making less than average for my industry. I know this because starting employees make about $200 more a week than I do at a bigger company. I've been told I'm a hard worker, I'm always reliable, I don't really see my faults and I'm frustrated thats why I'm currently looking into online colleges, looking at my options of building a real career where I won't be able to get screwed.

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A while ago I saw an ad for job hunting in a NYC subway which said "the good ones are always looking". If you believe you are being underpaid, you should be applying to other jobs to see if a better oppertunity is available. That's the only way to test your true market value. Education can increase you credentials, but that's not the only way to achieve your goals, and sometimes not the best way. Sometimes it's a waste of time and you go to school for 4 yrs getting a stupid biology degree which took so much work to get and it turns out to be such a useless degree that getting a job in the field would be such a significant paycut from current job which requires nothing more than a HS degree that it makes you want to pull your hair out and reject all information learned during the said college years!!! lol But as I digress, making business contacts can also be very effective at landing a prized position ie. kissing up tp management or making friends with someone who can get you a lucrative job with their company. Also there's the option to run your own business. Takes some starting capital, but reward is very much worth it if you succeed.


Explore all options, don't settle for less than what you deserve.

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