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questions you can answer for me please

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when i get advice from some of you,you tell me to be my self when it comes to girls.


1.Should i follow your advice from the web site??


2. Can i get any type of girl like gangster girl,rocker girl,white girl, anything?


3.Are we men going to have to pay for everything when it come to dates?


4.When we kississing to teeth collide with each other?


thanks for anwsering

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1.Should i follow your advice from the web site??

Of course, we rock.


2. Can i get any type of girl like gangster girl,rocker girl,white girl, anything?



3.Are we men going to have to pay for everything when it come to dates?

No, not unless you really want to.


4.When we kississing to teeth collide with each other?

They shouldn't, unless you don't mind chipped teeth. Move your heads together slowly and this won't be a problem.

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1 Yes. We've all been there. Be yourself, because then the other person knows exactly what they're getting into. Wouldn't hate to fall in love and find out it was all a front?


2. Not necessarily. They have to be into you, and iuf you don't common interests it will likely not develop an attraction.


3. You don't have to, but it looks really good when you do.


4. It can happen, just be careful not to bump heads. It's pretty funny to look back on but really embarrassing at the time. You get better with practice so kiss as many as you can!

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When your not yourself, people know. You cant really fake what you dont have. Sometimes when your yourself, you might not even get the girl. Thats just the way it is sometimes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. There's really nothing you can do but be yourself and hope that both of you are compatible when it comes to a releationships. Dont always pay. Makes it look needy. Have her pay sometimes. You shouldnt have to pay for everything all the time. And do not always say yes. Be busy sometimes. Trust me i know. I screwed up so many dates just by beeing always there and too nice. Women get bored really fast when there's no mystery or a challenge. And most important, be confident. Dont be affraid to take charge. Now if i could only take my own advice when i fall for a girl, id be ok.

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when i get advice from some of you,you tell me to be my self when it comes to girls.


1.Should i follow your advice from the web site??

Take it with a grain of salt, and understand it, so you can apply it on your situation. What you read here is not written on stone, and may be different for every situation.

2. Can i get any type of girl like gangster girl,rocker girl,white girl, anything?

Why do you want that? Don't go stereotyping people, get a girl you want, a girl you are comfortable with, a girl that shares your interests, etc. Don't believe in stereotypes.

3.Are we men going to have to pay for everything when it come to dates?

Don't think its fair, and if you do, probably the girl will like you to pay for everything. But yes, is nice, but you have to be carefull.

4.When we kississing to teeth collide with each other?


They shouldn't, but if it happens, have a good laugh and keep practicing!

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