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Just wondering...if its possible to live with SI

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um I guess it's possible, but it's not heathy, eh expecailly starting so early in your life like this. I would tell an adult how you are feeling and about your self injury, you can get help. self distruction is not good, nor is it ok.

If you continue to do it..it could get worse, most likely would, and it just wont help anything.

if you are afraid to tell a parent or someone then just think about it like this, they might seem mad but they are only concernd and want to help. And if they do get mad for real then well O well you still need to get help and they need to get over it and try to start helping.

I hope you find what you need.

love Qtpie87

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ok yeah it is possible to live with SI, I have for i think like 6 or 7 years but its not a good life. you'd be so much better off stopping now i know its hard but it is far easier to quit sooner than later. plus it poses all kinds of problems you can get locked in mentally institutions, stuck in therapy or on medication that makes you feel awful, you may lose friends and since your under 18 once your parents find out you have no choice in any of that i suggest you try to quit. if you need help or just need someone to talk to feel free to PM me or IMme or whatever im here to help


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i started cutting at around about the age you did... trust me, life isn't good when you still cut... i do sometimes but i haven't in just about 2 weeks again now... i dont plan on ever doing it again. i lost friends because of it cos they didn't understand and i always had my parents on my case about it. you can live with cutting (or burning, or whatever you SI) but it truly isn't a good way to live. dpressedone89 is right. you can live but it isn't worth it... you should see help while you're still in the earlier stages of it.



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ppl do it because it's the only way some people can cope. i don't understand why most people do it, heck i don't know why i do it... i just know that i use it to cope with my feelings and it's the way i show my feelings... not a good thing but still


some people may do it for the same reason but others may do it for other reasons, i don't know. i do know that it isn't a worthwile habbit.





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  • 3 weeks later...

You could i suppose but again i wouldn't advise it. I Have cut since i was 11, i am nearly 15 now, and have not cut now for about 1 week.. have you told anyone about you hurting yourself? believe me it can help, just be sure you trust the person you tell.


i know lots of people must say that you should tell someone, and it really p***ed me off when they said it to me, well until i was 13 and i told my best friend, she didn't freak out or anything, in fact i found out that she was a cutter aswell. now we help each other deal with things. if it wasn't for her i wouldn't be alive. seriously think about telling someone. you may not want to stop cutting right now but there will be a time when you may want to stop but then can't.


try and think about it in te long run





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You can live with s.i., but only up to a point from my perspective. What is that point? Well, not to scare you, but one point would be death. A lot of people are afraid that us cutters will one time cut too deep and end up killing ourselves. The other point, the one I reached recently, is just being tired of having to hide your s.i. I've been hiding my s.i. for almost 7 years now (i started a little older than you are now) and I don't know about everyone else, but for me, hiding it became exhaustive! I put a lot of energy into hiding my s.i. and its energy I can use to help me stop. That's a much better use of it. The longer you s.i., the harder it is to stop. I encourage you to tell somebody about it--just make sure its an adult you really trust. Here's an idea: If you have an adult that you trust, tell them and then ask them to help you tell your parents. That might make it easier for you. PM me if you want to talk. I don't want to see you down the same road I've been. It's not fun and its really lonely. I'm always here if you want to talk!

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