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Meditaion???(really short ?)

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the title says it all.... I have a pretty good idea of how to do it and what it is, but I was wondering if anyone here has done it or knows how to do it the right way.

See I feel like I need something to calm myself down when I am angery or nervous or just thinking too much and need to relax you know, just clear my head and work things out.

I feel like this might really help me do that, but am not really sure how to do it.

can anyone give me some tips?



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Try looking up basic meditation techniques on the web, that's the quickest and easiest way to get some ideas on how to meditate.


I've been using just a simple relaxation technique first concentrating on relaxing each part of my body: head, neck, chest, shoulders, etc..


Then I've been simply concentrating on my breathing just 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc. as you breath and letting any thoughts you may have come into and out of my mind without holding on to them.


For starters 5-10 minutes a day is all you need.


In addtion, you may want to pick up some books on Zen:

Everyday Zen by Charlotte Joko Beck

Everyday meditation 101 essential tips


Good luck

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I take yoga and during the whole session we work on our breathing... in and out slowely putting everything out of your mind while you sit in these positions that are stretching you. Then at the end we sit and meditate for about 10 minutes. It's wonderful for you. Every single time I leave there I feel so refreshed and almost a new person- not a care in the world!! Seriously.


Dim the lights, light some candles (not too many) sit with your legs crossed and put your hands on your knees palms up. Clear your mind. Completely- don't let it wander.... just keep it clear and concentrate on your breathing, in and out slowely... and not too fast, you'll pass out..lol.


It's funny because the first time I took this class I fell asleep, completely fell asleep, it's so calm and relaxing. I didn't have a care in the world!! Do it!

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Meditation doesn't have to be about sitting in the full lotus position and focussing on your breathing constantly. Different people meditate in different ways, some people practice yoga, some sit and listen to relaxing music, others like to sit in silence and focus on their breathing. You have to try out different things to find out what relaxes you and works best for you!

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Meditation is an excellent way of calming your mind and finding inner peace. I've been doing meditation for the past 1.5 years and the more you do it the better you will get. Now a word of advice, don't meditate expecting results....ie it's not like an exam where you study and get good grades. If you look at meditation in a result oriented way you will find it to be a very frustrating experience. Meditation is all about being in the moment and seeing how really things are. It's about relaxation and a journey to your inner self. Start by finding a quiet place to sit down(you can sit or be in any position that is comfortable). A quiet place is very important. I will give you the basics of a technique called breathing meditation(also called "anapanasati meditation/bhavana"). Sit quietly and relax. Let go of the past and the future and be in the present. Relax. The aim is to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. This is all you will concentrate on....nothing else. Notice how your stomach goes outwards when you breathe in and inwards when you breathe out. Now at the start this is extremely hard. You will notice that millions of thoughts will be rushing through your mind and you will find it very hard to even concentrate for 30 seconds. The trick is to look at the thoughts and feelings without getting attached to them. When a thought or feeling arises notice it, acknoledge it and gently let it be. Don't start thinking about it. It is also important not to suppress your thoughts and feelings. Just let it be. Acknowledge it and feel it and come back to breathing in and out. Afterall feelings and thoughts come and go. They take us away from reality and to be in the present. So let them be. If you want more info about anything just let me know. Good luck and don't give up. Be patient!!

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