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Weird situation involving twin brother and sister

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Last night, I went to the house of a girl I like (Julia) and got completely drunk for the first time. Julia has already told me that she likes me and I've already told her I feel the same way. However, last night someone dared me to make out with her twin brother (Travis), but I didn't do it. Later that night though, I was sitting next to Travis and he said something along the lines of "Well the dare still stands, so if you want to make out with me, that's cool." So I made out with him, and we also did some other stuff, like going into each others pants and stuff. I felt I really big attraction to him.


Then, Julia said, "omg Tom you made out with my brother!" so I felt like I owed her something because we had already said that we liked each other, so I made out with her and fingered her. Alcohol makes you do crazy things.


So I was talking to Travis after the party last night, and we're really into each other. We both find each other extremely attractive and want to be with each other. He's even caused me to rethink my sexuality and I believe I'm bisexual. I've thought about doing stuff with guys before but last night really proved it to me. I mean, when I made out with him and we were doing things together it was just such a powerful attraction... like we just clicked. However, Travis feels guilty and feels like he did something cruel because he feels like he stole me away from Julia. I'll be going away for camp all of July so I won't get to see either of them until I get back in August.


Personally, I want to explore a relationship with Travis becuase I'm attracted to him more and I think it would work out better, but I'm afraid of how Julia will feel. I've gotten myself in a very weird situation and I need help badly. I know I will probably have to burn my bridge with Julia to be with Travis, but how can I do this without causing animosity between the two twins?


Please help.

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well if u need advice quickly please email me at email removed. I check it everyday as im on this website everyday. i would really like to help you. you sound like your in a sticky situation and i hope i can be of some help. so please feel free to email me i will be around all tonight and will frequently check the computer for new emails and new posts right now i want to go fix my hair and makeup i feel like i look a very ugly sight lol. so i will be back on as soon as iam finished please stay online as long as you can so we can continue to talk.

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I think that Julia would probably get over it more easily than you think. After all, you were not dating her, right? You just said you liked her? Well, I mean, people are free to change their minds...saying you like someone isn't a committment...you didn't cheat on anyone. If you're into the guy, go for it, see what happens. I wouldn't worry too much about defining your sexuality, it is what is is, whatever you wanna call it. If you think Julia would be bothered if you went out with her brother then be discreet when you're around her (don't act overly lovey-dovey when the three of you hang out together) just be considerate and put yourself in her shoes. At the same time, it's not like you were in a relationship with her or in love and then had a traumatic breakup or anything like that so I really think it should be fine...just as long as the two of you are sensitive and considerate about the relationship. If you're attracted to him, go for it.

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Lady00, thanks for the advice. Here's an update: I talked to Julia last night and asked her if she was pissed about what happened, and she said that she just over-reacted because she was drunk and she's not really mad. So the situation isn't as dire right now, but it's still very delicate. I'm leaving for a whole month on Sunday and I hope Julia's feelings for me will subside in that time... so when I get back I can get with Travis.

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I hope everything works out. A month away may be for the best, it gives both you and the twins plenty of time to think about the situation and move on if needed.


Even if you feel that you have more chance with Travis, are you sure that you're emotionally attracted to him? As you said, it is a delicate situation.

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