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Well. "Its over". I broke up with my gf that I've been going out with for 6 months. It was heartbreaking but I took it better than I thought it was. I tried my hardest in this relationship but I don't regret a thing. It was kind of hard for me at first because this is my first relationship and I loved her to death but it doesnt seem like we were meant to be. I really thought this would last but it was a "teen relationship" and I guess she wasnt ready to take the role of my gf. We had a lot of arguments, most of which was because she hurt me in one way or anohter. Our last argument was a small and stupid one however, I've been letting these small and stupid problems pass by and eventually, I exploded. Well I didnt really explode, I still kept it to myself but I made it known to her. Well this time, we were suppsoed to go out and I waited for her somewhere for 2 hours. 1 hr 30 mins in I called her and she was still at home. She was suppsoed to meet me like 20 minutes ago and thats when I got pissed but I didnt say anything. The thing that pissed me off the most was that there wasnt even an apology...only a smartasz comment which I wont say to you guys. So we were supposed to go to my house which was walking distance to where we were meeting but at that time I was so angry I just wanted time to myself so I started walking a bit in front of her. She didnt seem to like it so halfway to my house she turned around and left. I really didnt care at the time becuase I just needed tiem to myself to think. At night I sent at email to her saying how I feel about her and hwat happened. It wasnt one of those sweet emails, it was the awful truth. I told her to make a decision. To change and apologize or call it quits because I didnt want to be with someone who treats me the way she does. She made her decision. It was kind of hard for me at the beginning but I was expecting it. It kind of relieved me because then I know that I wouldnt have to deal with this for the rest of my life.


Now, we have an agreement to just be friends. We would take it one step at a time becuase it is hard for both of us. We still get goodbye hugs and kisses that we used to have becuase it just normal for us now. She doesnt believe I deserve to be with her becuase of her low self-esteem but I told her that if she ever does change her mind I'll be waiting for her. As my first girlfriend, she let me express feeligns that I have about someone that I've never experienced before. This will be a lifetime memory I will never forget and for those 6 months, I felt hapiness like I've never felt before.

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That's awesome man, I know the feeling.

Just think about yourself, and your own health and happiness, and if you're happy, she should be happy.. and things will fall into place from there.


If you don't think you two are meant to be, then just stay friends, and take time for yourself if needed.


Good Luck!

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