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removing stretch marks ? ? ?

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I've been working out seriously for some time now . I noticed i' m getting into GOOD shape . I just have one problem . . . STRETCH MARKS . I seem to be getting then on my arm mostly . My questions are :


1) What causes stretch marks . . . AND


2) How do you get rid of them ! ! !

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When the skin is stretched too quickly or beyond it's elasticity.


Nothing gets rid of them but they do eventually turn white and blend more easily with your skintone. You can try using Palmer's Cocoa Butter Lotion, they recommend that for pregnant women. The stuff I used didn't help me, but I didn't use that brand which I guess worked for some.

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stretch marks are very hard to get rid off. you should never try extreme weigh loss programs unless it is conducted by weight loss centres using special machines. i have some friends who used to be 90kg+ who is now around 70kg. they have stretch marks from their arms to abdomens. one of them visited his dermatologists and he said that it is most probably permanent.


this is because when you are fat, the skin is stretched and when you lose weight suddenly, the skin does not get time to get toned so stretch marks occur. i tink this was the explanation my friend gave me when i asked him.

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Try also using Vitamin E oil capsules. Split the capsules open and rub the oily liquid on the stretch marks, and on areas you are prone to marks to prevent them.


There are also several formulations that have Vitamin E in them that are recommended for preventing marks. Cocoa butter is also commonly used, though basically most things that will add a lot of moisture to the area may help. Vitamin E oil is just a more "pure" source, but be careful not to EAT too much vitamin E, and only use one capsule a day as too much Vitamin E is not great for you (and it will get absorbed in skin). I used to use it, and it works great.


Also, drink lots of water, it helps your skin stay more supple and elastic in general.


Stretch marks are basically caused when the elasticity in your skin and growth of your skin cannot keep up with the growth of the body underneath - ie due to muscle, fat, or growing bones, or rapid weight loss. They are common most at puberty, pregnancy, when working out or when you put on weight rapidly/lose it quickly.


Some people get dark ones, some get very pale ones (I am fair skinned, and have some marks from puberty on my hips that are very very faint), and often they will fade with time to a pink/white even if they are darker to begin.

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after i had a baby i got terrible stretch marks on my legs and stomach. i ordered this stuff from the catalog avon, i dont know where your from or if u have that , but its a make- up catalog. its called avon stretch mark solutions. and after just 1 month i can barely notice them. u can probably find it on line, it works great.


my sister used vitamin e and cocoa butter formula and then helped too,..but it was a slower process.

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  • 2 years later...

You can get rid of stretch marks. Creams alone will not work, because you have to penetrate the dermis layer of your skin which is 2-3mm deep. The only way the creams will penetrate that deep is with a skin roller. You can purchase them on ebay or better yet, purchase the kit and save yourself a couple hundred dollars here:


cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=180171223147&ssPageName=STRK 008[/url]


The best cream to use with this I find is STRIPEPTIN or pure copper peptides. Apply the cream right after needling. Worked for me. My stretch marks are almost completely gone. You need a minimum depth of 2mm for the roller.

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NOTHING WILL REMOVE STRETCH MARKS!! unless you have some sort of laser surgery done you are stuck with them the rest of your life. They will however fade overtime. Whoever believes that "magic" cream exists to remove stretchmarks are fairly naive. Cocoa Butter doesn't help after you have them, it only helps if you use it BEFORE they develop..

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