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Stage Fright

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I have problems stepping up and talking to girls. Ill see a beautiful girl and ill notice that she would glance or stare back at me. I would like to approach her and try to get to know her but I never know what to say. Its not that i am not confident its just the fact that i dont want to start talking to her and five sentences into the conversation end up in a moment of weird silence.

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Just make it short and sweet- to the point. Compliment her and ask if she wants your number. After that tell her that you have to go and to give you a call so that you can get together. If she's interested then she'll call.. Good luck!

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This is plain n' straight. Suck it up, if you want to talk to the girl(s) then do it. The first times are nerve-recking. Once you've done it a couple of times there's no need for awkward silence. But for the first few times I recommend to keep it short and sweet, yet relaxed, and you can dodge the first times of the silence. No sure guarentee's with it though. Is there some girl you want to talk to in particular or just all the pretty ones?

Plus if the girl is looking back then just maybe she is attracted to you and is just hoping you would say something. Try a basic introduction of yourself and get to know basic questions.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just make it short and sweet- to the point. Compliment her and ask if she wants your number. After that tell her that you have to go and to give you a call so that you can get together. If she's interested then she'll call.. Good luck!


My experience tells me that girls don't like to be the one to call first. I always try to exchange numbers now.

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