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Friend thinks hes better than everyone else...

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My friend thinks he is better than everyone else, and it really made me mad, we had an argument last night and here are a few pieces... what should i do? now we are talking again and he acts like nothing even happened.


d-dub (11:16 PM) :

yeah....but i mean i know i am better in many ways than alot of people i know tat sounds snobby and crap but with u its different i feel like i dont have a edge on u and i compete or somethin like tat is how i feel........i mean tat sounds really selfish

YuBeR (11:17 PM) :

?? what??

d-dub (11:18 PM) :

omg read it agian

d-dub (11:18 PM) :

i said i dont feel like i got tat edge on u like i do on everyone else


i cant believe he said that... and everytime he starts liking a new girl he ditches me and starts treating me bad and lieing to me and he doesnt wanna talk to me much or do things together. PLUS he admitted to making my life complete "heck" this entire year and he said he was mainly behind all of the problems... i almost killed me self this year several different times and i had to have my stomach pumped because of an overdose on painkillers! I was almost taken from my own home and fosterized becuz of everything that has been going on and i lost the girl of my dreams because of him..... He admitted that he likes to make me feel bad and he said he does it a lot of times on purpose...


Why do you htink he is doing this? Is he jelous? Intimidated? Every girl and every friend that we both know... always ends up liking me better... everyone does and i dont try to make it that way... its just how it is. I just dont know why he has been doing this stuff to me.... my friends think he is jelous and intimidated is why im asking.... well, someone reply plese! thank you!

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It sounds like we both have really messed up bad beep head friends!!!

He isn't a friend if he is doing that to you. You know why those people like you better cause evidently he is a Beep! and you aren't. ditch him, people with that kind of attitude and bad energy can only make your life worse.

good luck.


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