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A relationship scenerio?

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Hey guys and girls, How many people here hate feeling second best sometimes with the person they care about? Like the person you care about, maybe knowing it or not makes you feel like there's someone better than you on occasions. And without seeming jeleous you take it, with the hopes that the bad things your obviously thinking in that situation aren't true. But there's really no way of telling without getting into a fight or causing drama is there? cause I believe it would just result in leaving paranoid and jeleous and ultimatley making things worse. Cause that person will just deny it if it was true, if it was brought up to them. LOL, It's a no win situation, and I think that's the number #1 worst part about dating and relationships game.

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so true, so true. sometimes when you hint around that maybe their into someone else, you truly believe they are. but i think most of that is your own ego taking a dump, and maybe youre feeling guilty that youre not the one for them, because you care about them more. most of the time its a self-esteem issue and nothing to do with how they feel. if you bring it up and they tell you honestly what they feel, its time to take a step back and wonder if its worth it or not, before its too late.

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