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ok kidd lol, well so far you got the right idea, kiss you can kiss the neck which is a good spot, hands are very important, trust me touch means alot just dont go over board and make sure u follow her reactions to see if she is comfortable, dont be afraid to rub her thighs n heips and stuff liek dat goood luck lol

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I was in your position about three months ago. Ummm... after the first time.. talk to your g/f to find out exactly what she likes b/c everyone is different.

umm... kissing and biting the neck... playing with the ears... kissing and biting the stomach (gently) hands - along the back, butt, hips, stomach, cheek, basically anywhere.. just be gentle... and pay attention to how she reacts. You can also try licking and kissing her chest, etc.. just a few ideas to get you started HAVE FUN!

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Oh my this thread is full of ideas that's making feel


Honestly everyone loves the neck & the ear...oh the earlobe? That'll just put me on the floor melting like a snowman in the Sahara.


I think girls are more sensitive to touches...even running a finger down the back...shoulder...biting the forearm gently, kissing near the triceps...


You get the idea!

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The neck is a great place to start exploring. I was surprised to find that girls go crazy when you kiss them on the neck. But you must know how far this girl is willing to go. Many girls will enjoy their chest being touched, but still others may get uneasy and think that you are simply trying to 'get somewhere.' So always be wary of her reactions. You will know when you are doing something right, and then just keep doin' it.

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