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help me please :'(

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my fiance started cutting a few weeks ago, and weve promised each other that we wont do it..... we ask each other every day if we did it and lately the answer has always been no...... till today....... he did it last night.... and its pretty bad. hes gotten to the point i was at a few years ago and im really worried about him and i dont know what to do. i mean theres nothing i can do. hes seen me cry over the whole situation but i mean i cant b mad at him for something i do/ did myself......



what can i do?!

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You Do or DID? If you did then you can explain to him that you stopped for a good reason, but if you still do then maybe by you seeing him hurt himself you can see how you would be hurting him by you cutting. Either way you need to sit him down and have a serious conversation about it.

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Has either of you considered counselling or sought it at any point? I think a good first step would be for both of you to get into counselling and get some professional, objective help.


From what I undestand cutting is a very serious illness of sorts and definitely needs some attention. Maybe if you can talk freely with a therapist about it you can understand why it happens and how to stop it for good.


Best of luck to both of you.

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Try seeking professional help. You dont need his worries on your mind too. Im sure the same must apply to him. My girlfriend tried to make me stop before when i just wasnt ready and i did for a few days but it came back worse. Seek counselling, It can really help some people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cutting is like smoking once you get addicted weither you like it or not it's hard to ever stop, but it's possible with help. see a councelor and if you guys don't want to sit him down open up then come up with your own plans to keep you two busy till you're so busy and then worn out by the end of the day that you don't have time to or even just when you get the urge to cut do a tiresome workout till it's gone. try all sorts of things but i wish you all the best.

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so heres a little update. i havent cut in 3 weeks, and he hasnt cut in about 2. since im only 17 we've decided to wait on couselling till i can go w/o my parents finding out. we alson dont have very much money as of right now... so we cant really afford it. but we've been talking a lot more and things seem to have gotten better. we're keeping each other in check.

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