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Suggestions for somewhat difficult situation...

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So anyway I'll try to give the facts quickly:


- I met this girl at school, we talked "a little" she seems kind of shy and I had intended to ask her out near the end of the semester. For various reasons, I was unable to ask her out. Fate really was working against me last semester heh.


- I hadn't seen her since last semester but I knew where she works... so finally I decided I wasn't going to let her be the one that got away, so today I went to where she works( a grocery store) and bam she was there. We talked... it was a short 1 min kinda thing but it was smooth and went great except for the fact I didn't ask her out and simply said "it was good seein ya' /wave" ... I'm such a coward


Sooooo anyway, I want to go tomorrow and throw it out there. The problem is she's really hot and if I know my luck she's probably got somebody, so basically I need to know how to bust inside this girls job and basically ask her out of nowhere to go out with me and if she has a BF.


You can see why I froze up today. I can't freeze up again or i'll look like a stalker going to her work two days in a row saying hi

I need specific, confident ways to get her to freakin' go out with the guy of her dreams 8)

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Well i'm workin on the confidence, on another note, do you think it's weird to come out of nowhere at someone's work like I'm planning?


I really don't know her that good, but there's really no chance of seeing her ever again if i don't go to her work.

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Well i'm workin on the confidence, on another note, do you think it's weird to come out of nowhere at someone's work like I'm planning?


I really don't know her that good, but there's really no chance of seeing her ever again if i don't go to her work.


i already responded to these statements.


take my advice or dont. the choice is yours. ive said my piece.



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ok ur going to have to go in there as you know. but what nobody here can answer is whether you will chicken out again or not. we've all been there it happens. Just say like you had fun talking to her and all the conversations were great that u 2 used to have and you were wondering if she wants to go out with you to catch up and all. yes you may want more but baby steps. you havent talked to her for the semester, you cant just go up to her and say hey will you go out with me...no doesnt always work like that. when/if you take her out ask her if shes seeing anyone then. if not then start thinking about asking her out, if she is....well then keep in touch with her and who knows what could happen later on down the line. hope this helps and good luck

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don't say: "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me". Say: "Let's get together someday, I'm going to place X on day Y, why don't you come along." And don't ask, make statement.


She's hot, so what. You can pick her, you're good enough. Why wouldn't you be?


You're the picker, she's the pickee. Her loss if she doesn't want to go.

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I dont think that you need to just go see her then all of a sudden ask her out. That seems impulsive and it isnt going to have the desired effect that you are looking for. What you need to do is get to know her better, you also need to know that you have plenty of time so there is no reason to be rash. I think you make you move but I believe that you should build up to it. Giver her the opportunity to get to know you so she has a chance to be interested in you. This doesnt mean you need to make it seem that you are stalking her but talk with her when you are at her work, eventually build up to asking her to hang out with you and her friends.

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I went there today but she wasn't working, all that wasted nerve lost


Here was my planned line of conversation:


"soooo i was in the area and just stopped by to see if i could call you later"


bam, a lot more casual than asking for a date i think... it would be easier than freakin' her out in the middle of her job n stuff


i'm gonna go back tomorrow and show her whats up with that line i think!

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I'm in the same situation, but I'm the girl...haha, but I work at a restuarant though. I really like this guy and he knows where I work and its 99.9 % that I'm sure he likes me back. I wish he would just pop up at my work and ask me out, it's now to the point that I'm deciding if the next time I see him, or if I should call him, to set the date. I say go for it. You like her, she might like you. suck it up and do it.

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My advice would be to ask her out.

Rejection is no way as bad as missing a chance in my opinion.

At the moment, im currently trying to ask out a girl, but I know she has a BF, and I know my chances of success are like slim to nill, but atleast I can say I've tried, and i've done everyhting I could do.


Believe me, I've learnt that if you don't ask this girl out, you will regret it forever probably, but you will never regret asking her out, even if rejected.


Good luck!

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