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How many of y'all believe in smoking Marijuana?

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To be honest i only started smoking weed in Febuary of this year and i'm telling ya, to me, its the BOMB


Now i consider myself an intelligent person, i don't smoke to impress friends or to be cool or any of that immature crap, i do it because of that pleasant feeling of hightened awareness that comes from being 'High'


I've studied this 'High' and it has alot to do with the stimulation of neuron cells by the chemical THC (It has a long complicated scientific definiton) But it is this substance that is contained in the Cannabis plant that causes this feeling. I mean have u ever tried reading a book, watching T.V or listening to music when high? Damn! everything just seems defined and clear, u hear every instrument in a song, every word in the book self explanitory, some of u are laughing but if u get some high grade weed you'll know what i mean.


Plus the smoking of Marijuana is not exactly completely out-lawed in society, it is accepted that many people (famous & regular) do it daily but its is still illegal. Unlike Ciggarettes which are much-much-much more dangerous. Marijuana is not addictive, nor have any long term negative side effects been scientifically proven. I do believe however that Marijuana is strictly for adults and no one under the influence should operate heavy machinery (LOL) but i guess the fact that it's illegal adds to its appeal, (Its amazing how weird people are, we all want to fit into society yet strive to stand out in some form or fashion)


One argument i will gladly offer to the whole Weed or No Weed war is that, 90% of people who use it do so by 'Smoking' It. Now it doesn't take rocket scientist to realize that inhaling hot herbal smoke into your lungs is not entirely safe, but its the best way to fully enjoy the experience.


Marijuana I still believe is all natural, its the dried, crushed leaves of a plant, no nictotine or tars added.


So where are my Weed Smokers out there? Even if u don't support it lemme hear your views on the subject.


Thank You

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I have tried it a couple times and I understand the feeling of it. But I do believe it is addicting...I know many people who can't stop doing it. If it is okay and it "doesn't" cause long-term effects..then why is it still illegal? Obviously there is something wrong with doing it..if there weren't..wouldn't it have been legalized by now?

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I know what you mean about the feeling you get. It's a great euphoria. I'm all for it, as long as it's used responsibly. I don't go out every night and have a joint, just everyonce in a while I'll have enough to get the feeling and I make sure that I won't have to drive or do ANYTHING important until the effects are gone. The only thing is, I don't tend to remember some things that I do when I'm in the state. (we were watching a tape of several hours of a tv show and I remember hardly ANY of it) so we (the people I do it with) make sure that we do it at a time that is safe for everyone.


As far as adicted goes, I'm not sure if any of the chemicals in it are addictive, but I really think you get to where you'd do anything for the feeling. That's why I'm careful and don't use it often.

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I used to smoke all the time with my friends, but I fell in love with my boyfriend and he didn't want a girlfriend who smoked. I stopped for a longtime. But, just recently I took a hit off a bong of my boyfriends friends and that was it. I have never been against smoking pot, but it does have an effect on your brain. I say if your going to do it don't be a pot head. Do it only at parties or special occasions. Pot heads become stupid, lazy, or most of all not motivated in life. Pot tends to make the worst times in your life seem like no big deal. Pot enhances everything and before you know it you don't know how to have fun without it. I guess that is the only way it is addicting. When I stopped and I would go to a party I would feel like I couldn't have fun unless I was high. I say make sure you are smoking pot for the right reasons. What I mean by that is...if you get upset because you can't hook up or you are bored and decide to get high then you should probably stop for awhile. There are so many awsome concerts that I don't even remember because I was high at all of them. Sure at the time you are having a blast but when a couple years passes by, you look back and you don't even know where they went. I smoked for several years after highschool and what I remember of it I had a great time. Anyway, it might not be as bad as cigarettes in some ways but it is bad for your brain and that is also a very important part of our bodies. My advice is to smoke in moderation...no more then once a month.

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You said;


"hightened awareness that comes from being 'High'"


Ok first of all weed does NOT heighten your senses, it simply makes you more aware of things to which you usually dont pay as much attention. I.E. Background noise.


"I've studied this 'High' and it has alot to do with the stimulation of neuron cells by the chemical THC (It has a long complicated scientific definiton)"


Although weed MAY stimulate a neuron(havent and wont look into that), it slows the Synaptic process of your brain which is the interaction between Neurons and axon terminals that are located in your brain. THUS: Duhh...Ur slower . BTW THC is the acronym for Delta-7 (or 9) Tetra Hyra Canabinol Spelling might be wrong but im not gonna invest too much time into looking it up. Ur a stoner anyway and you most likely would have missed any missspelllingss *Smiles*


"Plus the smoking of Marijuana is not exactly completely out-lawed in society, it is accepted that many people (famous & regular) do it daily"


This is true. Many prominent members of society smoke weed on a daily basis. Then again many prominent members of society like to bugger little boys in the behind, but you dont see me standing in line to join em.


"Unlike Ciggarettes which are much-much-much more dangerous. "


ONE joint has as much tar as an ENTIRE pack of full flavor cigarettes.


"Marijuana is not addictive, nor have any long term negative side effects been scientifically proven."


Weed is not PHYSICALLY addictive. It IS however MENTALLY addictive.


"I do believe however that Marijuana is strictly for adults and no one under the influence should operate heavy machinery (LOL)"


Prolonged use of marijuana will turn YOU into a Twinkie eating piece of heavy machinery, lol



"One argument i will gladly offer to the whole Weed or No Weed war is that, 90% of people who use it do so by 'Smoking' It."


Thats because there are so few decent recipes for it that are widely known. it goes great on a salad if you grind it up and it makes cookies that are not so much tasty as they are.."Interesting".


"Now it doesn't take rocket scientist to realize that inhaling hot herbal smoke into your lungs is not entirely safe, but its the best way to fully enjoy the experience."


Eating it is a much more prolonged euphoric high. Eat an eighth and go to the movies


"Marijuana I still believe is all natural, its the dried, crushed leaves of a plant, no nictotine or tars added."


Ar*senic, Cyanide and strychnine are also natural with nothing added. They just dont smoke too well.


"So where are my Weed Smokers out there? Even if u don't support it lemme hear your views on the subject."


Im a weed supporter and a smoker as well. Im just a bit more educated on the topic than you are. Stop giving us a bad name ya hippy.

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It is much more healthy to live life without stimulants that cause health problems such as cancer. You have many choices thrust at you and when people discuss their bad habits openly, they can seem attractive.


The problem is that if you start out doing drugs or smoking at a young age, it shows that you don't take your health very seriously.


If you don't take yourself very seriously, who will? You must become dependent upon others and then when will it all end?


Take your brain more seriously, don't get started, if you are already in a bad place, reach out to others for support.

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radix-you would probably appreciate this story...i swear my brothers are bizarre.


My brother (22 or something) my cousin, (13...started on his own so NOBODY try and push the blame on my brother. My cousin didn't even KNOW he did it) were at my uncle's house (no idea on age...probably 30 or something...good job...nice appartment...didn't ruin him) and they put pot in brownies. according to my cousin they were good unless youg ot a big chunk of leaf and that tasted kidna weird


Anyways, I'm not going to disagree that pot won't mess you up and *** you for life. I totally agree with that. But used carefully and NOT OFTEN (that's important) I think it's okay. You just have to be responsible with it.

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I smoke a fair bit of pot, but not because I am addicted more because I do it when I am bored. (besides at parties) For me it seems to make time go by quicker and you dont have to exactly be doing anything "fun" to enjoy its effects, just the feeling of relaxing when high is enough.


Also alot of people have different experiences with weed. My one friend everytime he gets high he is totally paranoid, he will think everyone knows that he's high and that he's going to get busted.


Me on the other hand I tend to laugh alot and in most cases I dont even know what I am laughing about. Also when I eat food it actually does sorta inhance my senses to taste. I seem to have way more taste of food when I am high.

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