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i STILL have no idea about this girl

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like i said before theres this girl at my church..i finally worked up the courage to talk to her and stuff, but she doesn't talk at all. it's like a couple sentance conversations. but i asked her to the movies with her bro and she said sure. i was just wondering what i should do to get her to talk. also this girl goes to an all girls school and has no guy friends so i think that might have something to do with the fact that she doesn't talk much. any advice would be really helpful


....but the only adivce i got was that try to find out what she likes


how would i know if she is interested at all in me...i don't know any of her friends becuase she doesn't talk with ppl at church i need help?!?!

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The fact she wants to go to a movie is a good sign. Another sign is if she smiles when she's around you. A very good sign is if she laughs at your jokes even when they are dumb.


Other then that you should be able to tell by the looks she gives you, but the above signs are fail safe and looks can be deceiving.

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I WOULD NOT advise you to follow starscream's advice. As a girl, I know that that would probably piss me off to have a guy trying to control me. Alright, whether she's a "ho" or not, she's going to be more comfortable if you let her make some decisions. Gawd at least give the poor girl some OPTIONS. And if you go into the date expecting to get some, you could end up sorely disappointed. Not to mention that is quite similar to something called "USING" We DO NOT like to feel like we are being used, and if you start doing crap like that to a girl on the first date, she's gonna feel used. Just let things flow naturally. If she wants to give you a handjob, she will. Girls aren't puppies. We know what we want and we know how to get it. Good luck!

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