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Question kinda embarassing

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Now that doesnt need to be taught, I mean u gota please urself and release the pressure.... u can finger urself but at first a little gently or u can use other objects.. there are plenty of ways..


by the way do u have a bf.... he can give u the experience..

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erm.. maybe not the best advice for a fifteen year old there^


I don't advise you to 'get experience from your boyfriend'.






Between the optimist and the pessimist, the difference is droll. The optimist sees the doughnut; the pessimist the hole!

Oscar Wilde

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Wasnt talking about sex up there, a guy fingering a girl is alot better then having sex, you dont have ALL the risks and once he teaches you, then you learn what you like, your not really uneassy about trying more things, then you can tell him what you like, its just whatever you like hun, its not a bit friggin deal, and one thing is 4sure, do the masterbtion safe sex for marraige!

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Thank You unhappyinlove1,


That's what I was trying to say.






If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.

A. A. Milne

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[sigh] I can't believe some of these guys. Alright hun, check it. Your clitoris is going to be where your orgasm is at. Kick it with just your fingers, bathtub, or a pillow if you will. I don't know the laws regarding picture posting on these forums, however a mod will remove this if need be I'm looking for a better picture of a vulva

The clitoris is where your pleasure will be. This right here is not a guide devoted to get you off. Just so you know, you'll need to get 'in the mood'. Which will probably consist of candles, a bath, some Al Greene & a few minutes of akwardness. Also, you are going to want to pick up some Astroglide in the near future; it makes a significant difference.


Not to mention: 70% of women require clitoral stimulation to orgasm. That's a generalization. There are are 10 types of orgasm a woman may experience. Explore your body, breasts/nipples, stomach, legs, etc. Enjoy the journey, worry not of the destination

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Just out of curiosity, do any of you sometimes skip all concern for form and procedure and just masturbate to get the horney monkey off you back? I do, particularly in the shower before work, especially when it's been a while and fantasies are beginning to occupy the space in my brain that's supposed to be devoted to my job. A wee morning interlude with lover or hand does wonders for cleaning the mental blackboard.

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