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Major decision to make

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O.k, I need some input. I have to move away from home to attend grad school. The program I want is not offered at the university in my home town. The two options I have are:


1. Move to a small town a 6 hour drive away from folks. I have never been to this town before and don't know anyone.


2. Move accross the country, over 3,000km to go to school in a big city where I have some extended family.


Both schools are excellent. As you can see my greatest problem is moving away from my family who I am very close too. I guess I'm really worried about being alone or lonely. I feel like I'm in a real catch 22.


Has anyone else had to make this kind of decision? I've done the pros and cons thing and don't see a clear answer so I'm hoping another person's opinion can help.

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you need to pay a visit to that small town school 6 hours away from your parents. you'll probably find that the university has its own micro-culture that is different from the town in which it resides. this in effect will give you multiple circles of people to move in. "big cities" are over-rated. after all, what is the loneliest place on earth, new york city where people live in such close proximity but never interact.

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since your in canada, just wondering which are the two schools and the two cities? and what are you studying because some schools are better than others in some subjects.


don't worry - i'm not going to stalk you!


i had the same choice too about 8 years ago. i had a choice of ubc, u of toronto and u waterloo, but chose to go to u of toronto since it was the best in my subject, plus, i wanted to go to a bigger city. i didn't want to go to waterloo because it was too small for my taste. the city where i'm from is a big city too, so, i didn't want to go to a smaller one.


if you're from a smaller town, i don't think it will matter as much for you, although, for you maybe the bigger city might be too much of a change.


oh yeah, i'm a big family person too, but once you make friends, you won't miss them as much. plus, there's always christmas' and summers!

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I'd go for big city-

aside from school, the mix of people and culture and experiences will be far greater. Not to mention the extended family.


I'm more of explorer, so getting out and uncovering things and places and people in a big city is a thrill for me.

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Depends a lot of your program of choice (ie if one of them was Waterloo, Waterloo also has a fantastic reputation for many of its programs) and also your own personality I think.


Personally, if the small town was somewhere in BC or Alberta I would probably go there just due to the amount of mountain biking I could get in - rather do that then shopping and clubbing! Besides in those areas you are never really that far away from bigger places. But of course, your priorities and interests may be different then mine.


If you are from a smaller place, you might feel more at home in the smaller place especially if you are very close to your family. Small town universities have a great culture of their own for the most part. If you love the outdoors and getting away for weekends to go camping/biking the smaller town one may be better as there is more of those kind of surroundings. But if you are feeling more into the exciting fast paced city life, and are okay with extended family and ready for the adventure of being so far away from parents, go for it.


Ultimately go with what is best for YOU and the program that is best for you. I don't think either would be a BAD decision as long as you make the right one for you.


Being in Canada, I am curious too which schools you are looking at!

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Thanks for all the input everyone!


For those that asked, the choice of schools are the University of Western Ontario and UBC. I'm currently in Ottawa.


Professionals I've talked to say that the program I want, Library science is good at both schools. So like you say, Raykay, neither choice would necessarily be a bad one I just have to make up my mind and decide whats best for me.


Anyway, thanks again all. Any more advice/opinions on the matter would be welcome.

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Well, I'd personally pick UBC....but I am biased towards all the awesome trail riding you can do out there! And you are close to skiing/snowboarding, sea kayaking, awesome hiking, trail running/riding, beautiful scenery. Even with the rain Great access to the cultural events too.


Of course though Vancouver has its downsides - its expensive for one, and also has other city living hazards...but I mean, if after you are done your degree, you are free to move! Coming from Ottawa it won't be a huge shock - a lot bigger, and less "kept up" then Ottawa but you are from a city so it won't be bad.




Western has a good rep though too. It is smaller, but London is not that small! Actually, my brother is moving there with his partner next month as he is going to a college there and his partner is doing grad work and such at Western He's smart and social, so it must have some good attractive qualities. I know Western has a great academic program and may be better in terms of class sizes and individual attention then UBC.


London is not that small, and actually a nice little city from what I know of it, and close to other major areas (and your parents for weekends home for example and holidays). More affordable, and still in a nice area with lots of outdoor opps and culture.


Honestly I don't think you can go wrong with either, really.

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