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what are my chances of being pregnant?

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so my bf and I were fooling around and it was 5 days after I was done my period and he inserted his penis in me for literally a second then pulled out what are my chances of pregnancy? Neither he nor I orgasmed and like I said it was for only a second and I had just finished my period

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Uh oh, this is bad. Your odds of being with child is pretty good. My health teacher told me and the class a story like this and it happens all the time, a boy sticks it in and a natural fluid that comes out of the penis as a lubrication contains sperm cells and gets the female pregnant. Maybe you should get tested if you start to feel funny. Good luck to you.

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Your chances are not very high if you just came off of your period and it was in for a second. There will always be the possiblity though. If your period does not come at the usual time take a pregnancy test. If this is going to become more and more frequent (the no protection) then please get on birth control asap.

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There is always a possibility of becoming pregnant, i suggest you take a precgnancy test if you miss your period. I hope you've learned your lesson - next time you are fooling around make sure that you use protection, its always better to be safe than sorry!

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well the good news is that he did not ejaculate inside of you, but the bad news is that you never know if anything was leaking out that you didnt see. you are at your most fertile around 14 days after you start your period- so, 5 days after you finished your period puts you in that time frame. if i were you i would take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor, but i doubt youre pregnant.

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