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I've had a few posts of different things but I'm still hurting over my breakup that's been almost 3 months now.

My ex has started talking to me now and this morning he talked to me normal civil chit chat then walked me to class which is so weird. He was with one of his football buddies and totally ignored him and just walked with me instead...what does that mean?

Today I had a rather long break from work and I made a visit with his step mom who I still remain really good friends with and he's okay with that...but she decided to go out to get some food and him and I went with her, as we were walking (it wasn't that far away) he only walked with me and then started bringing up memories about us from last summer.

When I tried getting back together with him about 2 months ago he said that he'd never love me again and that there would never be an us again and so I tried moving on and giving him space.

Now he's approaching me and flirting and stuff and I just don't know what he wants can anyone help me out to figure this out.


P.S-he was wondering if I was going to prom but I said no (I'm in grade 11) and I don't know if he was trying to ask me or not but now he's going with his friend, I know that they're strictly friends but I'm still jealous.


P.P.S-I liked this guy that goes to my church and my ex knows him from football and when my ex talked to me through e-mail about it he seemed jealous and had to make a statement that he liked another girl...what is that supposed to mean?



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Pretty much it sounds like he wants to eat his cake too. I wouldn't take his words seriously. He could just be simply feeling guilty or lonely & that's why is pushing out more of effort to communicate with you. But the fact that you told him that you liked someone, that made him jealous & affected his pride. So he retaliated by saying something that he knew would make you jealous about another girl. Some people like the security of having the attention of an ex around them regardless of who did the breaking up. There is no need to worry about him much since you are trying to move on with your life as well.

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