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Hurting in Anal Area After Sex

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My boyfriend and I just got done having sex. He used a condom, and we only had vaginal sex. But, after we were done, I hurt so bad in my anal area. I have never experienced this before, does anyone know what could have happened, or got any ideas why it may hurt.


I will say that our sexual relationship has been "quite good" the last week, because he is leaving Sunday and it'll be awhile before I see him again. So, since Sunday we have had sex 8 times.


Any feedback GREATLY appreciated.



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It is possible that if you were not lubricated enough, rougher sex also stretched/tore you at the entrance of your vagina and pulled on your perineum etc, which is not too far from from your anal area - hence the soreness.


You may have suffered some micro tears in area that were made painful too. Honestly, it might also be due to your age...you might not be fully developed so it causes problems as well.


But, if you have any bleeding, it may also be something like hemorrhoids or something else such as that which was aggravated by sex.


If it still is sore in a day or whatever, I would recommend talking to a doctor. Otherwise, make sure you are well lubricated before penetration - you can get a lube like KY Jelly at supermarket. Don't use oil based lubes though as they will destroy condoms protection.

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