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Ex calls when she is intoxicated to tell me she loves me

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Ex calls me when she is intoxicated and tells me she loves me. I don't know guys I think this is kinda weird. Weird b/c she dumped me and she was with her new boyfriend when she did it. I know alcohol lowers your inhibitions. However, I have always been told that the truth always comes out when your intoxicated. Maybe not. I really dont know b/c I have not really been around too many drunks in my life time. What do you guys think?

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Have you talked to her about her drunken behaviour when she's sober?

I mean if she tells you when she's drunk that she loves you, what does she say the next day after she's sobered up?


There's no hard and fast rule about the truthfullness of what drunk people say. Although, IMO, I would trust a sober person over a drunk person.

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I think that when your drunk the truth comes out...and obviously it makes you more talkative. It's similar to this stuff, that you can be injected with -- I think it's called "truth syrum", not totally sure but it's close to that name.


I'd go with that she still has SOME feelings for you. Yeah, like other people said you should ask her about it when she's sober. Post her reaction. Like voice tone, words, etc, pace of voice, etc just to make sure she's not lying or anything so you can find out if she still is interested.

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i think when someone is drunk, he or she says what i call is the "ideal truth", not the "realistic truth". what i mean, is that, when someone is drunk (i've done this once with my first ex), they tend to say what they hope for, but in reality, they know its really hard to achieve. show, when she says she loves you, indeed she does, but that love can never be realized because its just unrealistic so to speak, e.g., you guys are just incompatible in one way or another, you guys are on different paths in your lives - whatever. when someone is drunk, one tends to put their ex/partner on a pedestal, and never sees any faults - thats why i call it and "idealistic truth".


so, i agree with the above - trust what a sober speech 10 times out of 10 from a drunken speech.

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Or it could be just game playing. I'd rather not ask her sober. I am going to just let things fall as they fall. She calls me a lot, but we never hang out b/c she is seeing someone else. So, that shows me how she really feels for me. Thanks for you guys inut on this.

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Well she called me today and I did ask her. She was with her new boyfriend at the time and she says she does not remember saying it. Of course, I asked her why she said it and she said in a kinda whiny tone of voice I don't know. She seems to be having a lot of new fun with this guy so I dont really have any hopes that she will come back. I am not going to enforce the NC rule b/c I dont think it is for everybody. It depends on the person. I know what I have to do to get over this girl. Such as having fun my self. However, I know I am not going to if I analyze things she says when in a drunken stuper. So, I guess I am just not going to analyze it any more. If she continues to do it I will just brush it off that she is confused and I don't need to be with a confused person.

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