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My girlfriend gained like 60+ pounds

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my girfriend and i have been together for years and in the last 2 years not even probably a year and half she has gained like 60+ pounds. At first I was mad at her too, although I never told her I was, yet I kind of liked her soft curves. In the last few months her and I have talked about it and she knows I'm ok with it, but I'm not sure how much more I want her to gain and she continues to get bigger. Her legs and ass are so big and fat and she uses her fat legs and ass to beat me at leg wrestling. She teases me cause I workout and stay in shape and she sits on her ass and gets fatter yet she has strong legs. I'm embarrassed she can beat me and I told her to never tell any of our friends or I'd kill her! She just laughs at me.

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  • 5 months later...

Ok your the type of guy that likes a girl with some meat on her bones, shes lucky to have a guy that can see beyond the body to the person within.


But your obviously getting worried about how much is enough, you keep in shape and she doesnt care, and doesnt even try.


baring any posible medical reasons for her rapid weight gain, it seems to be more psychological, low self esteem etc. I dont want to offend people that are over weight but someone that just lets themselfs go unchecked is having some deeper problems.


I know you love her, and you never want to hurt you, but if she continues on her path, i feel you will feel very uncomfortable with her and end up both being hurt.


One thing is when your with a loved one and they become sick or get into an accident, but when the damage is self inflicted, thats a char trait.

try talking to her, tell her your worries, every day that goes by will make it that much more difficult for her to reverse what she has done.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How big is she right now? I am at 200 pounds right now, and - thank god- loosing more of my weight every day. Not only was I uncomfortable with my weight, but it also is a very huge danger for my health. My boyfirend - or former boyfriend- was one of the same great souls you belong to, too. He never put presure on me and always told me I was perfect the way I am. But all that weight is a lot of work for the heart, the inner organs, the skin, ... Tell her you don't care about her changeing, but that you are worried about her health. Tell her that you love her for the person she is and the soul she has, but that if she continues to grow like that, it will be dangerous for her, and so she is cutting down her time on earth (and maybe, if you feel like that for her, even her time with you), and the wonderful person she is is badly needed on this planet. She will definitely think about that. And when she does, offer to help her. Maybe taking her to the gym is a good idea. Or show her some things she can do at home to get a better figure again.

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