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Does the pill reduce a girls sex drive?????

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For some women it does depending on pill they use and their own body.


The pill changes the hormone levels in the body. and it also prevents ovulation (when women are at their "horniest") so it can affect it on that degree. It also increases estrogen which can affect the sex drive.


BUT, sex is also mostly a mental/emotional thing for women, so their drive may still be very high or their desire to have sex still be there. And some women balance out on the pill. Most even when "drive" is low will still have desire and be aroused.


If you find your drive diminished and you are on pill, best to talk to your doctor about other options!


I have been on pill 10 years, but I LOVE jumping my partner - my sex drive is still high as he makes my heart race

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I'll make it simple: my girlfriend used to be on the pill. A few months ago, she got off. Now she's a lot hornier and she said that there's a HUGE difference. It depends on the girl as to if she'll gave this side-effect, but for my gf, it really affected her.

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i have been on various sorts of birth control since i was 16. at first i was on the pill and i never really noticed a change in my sex drive, of course i wasn't having sex with my then-boyfriend. then i was on the needle for 2 years and i'd have to say that it did change my sex-drive for a while, it got stronger, but its remained the same since then.

like everyone else has said, it really depends on the girl and her hormone levels.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before going on the pill my sex drive was crazy.... like I needed it everyday.... and then I went on the pill and I had no sex drive at all. Nothing.


But now I've been on it about a year, and everythings back to normal. My body just needed to get used to the hormones.

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Back in college, I was on Ortho Tri-Cyclen and I noticed a significant decrease in my sex drive. However, I'm not sure if that was related to the pill itself, the weight gain I experienced due to being on the pill, or the fact that I was depressed during that time.


I've been taking Seasonale for several months now and I have not noticed a decrease in my sex drive.

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