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Getting her to like me

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I know a girl who is the love of my life. I know it.


She doesn't love me though, and she doesn't even like me very much. I don't know what is wrong with me, but she means everything to me.


What can I do to get her to like me?

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sry Twan, but u just cant force someone to like u becoz u dont choose who to love, ur heart does... and ya ur young, u think that she's the love of ur life, i know its gonna be hurt to let it go.. bu u have to try... im sure u'll find someone that will really love u and she doesnt have to be the one...

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LOL, Well, if only got the advice we 'want,' we wouldn't ever really seek advice... ;-)


In my opinion, she is not 'the one' if you do not feel the same way about each other... You may be deeply, madly in love with her, but if the feeling is not mutual, then this one-sided thing will never go anywhere...


Sometimes, we have to let go of the people we love very, very deeply... I met a woman that I was convinced was the woman I would spend the rest of my life with, but it just wasn't the case... I still love her very deeply, but I knew that letting her go was the best thing FOR HER... Now, she is happily married and though it kills me some days, I know by the look in her eyes that she is in love with the guy... You need to let her go....

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This is not love. Love is love when it is mutual. But if it's like then there's something I think that you love about her which attracts you. Maybe it's the way she makes you feel about yourself or others. Maybe it's the way she laughs or the way she looks, the type of beauty that you feel is your type, ex cetera ex cetera.


If there is no real connection, it is not love. Since your case is one sided, then it is only like.


It is futile though for me to be telling this because nomatter what you'll choose not to believe me. You feel love because you long to love. You want to get something out of her that she cannot give you.


This is what I meant before in your other post when I said you are in love with love. This is understandable though. Look at how many love songs and movies are out.


Daydreaming of love is not the same as love. Good luck

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It still intrigues me to how much people under estimate people based upon thier age. And jsut because you feel in your opinion that this girl isnt the one, it dosent necessarily mean she isnt. Kinda got off topic..


So you think she is the one eh? Often strong feelings like this can lead into great and wonderful relationships, and others are not so lucky, but we can only hope, right?


My advice is to try and get to know her. If she looks liek her day isn't goin so good, tell her she looks good but maybe looks a little down. Ask her what is wrong with her, and if she seems refusent, give her space but remind her that you hope things get better for her. Also try to get to know her friends, they are always bonus points when liking a girl, and often can help you with things that only girls understand and us guys will never know...Learn a few tricks or jokes and keep confident. Stand tall and act as if you know who you are and your proud of it. Be yourself so you dont lead her on, but dressing to inpress improves your chances. Learn her interest an d become involved with them. If you get her nummber, dont call her until the day after, simple rule. And writing and giving her a note for no reason at all will make her feel special. Hope I helped and good luck, a certain few find that one at such a young age..



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You're just infatuated with her...you're not in love with her. She can't mean the world to you, you sound like you barely even know her...let alone the fact that you think she doesnt even like you at all. You're not going to make her like you tho, you don't get how attraction works. A girl doesn't care how much you like her, she only cares how much she likes you...anyways, I don't even know if you've gotten that far....you sound like you're watchin this girl from afar and the two of you have either barely spoken or have never spoken.

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