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So what IS the proper etiquette of "my space" ?


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I've seen a few posts that have cropped up about myspace lately. I'm very new to the whole thing and just recently opened an account, a few weeks after my ex and I had broken up. Not even a DAY went by and my ex somehow found me on it, requesting to add me as a friend. I checked out his profile and what I saw sickened me; pages and pages of girls he talks to, who leave him sexual comments, half naked girls!, girls he was talking to the whole time we were together!! I was disgusted and felt betrayed, it was so damn shady. Ya, I created a myspace account, but it was after we had broken up. I would never deliberately hide the fact I had an account from a future serious relationship. Most likely I would bring the account down, especially if the guy had some problems with it, which I could totally understand. My ex basically told me that what him and his 'friends' talked about was between themselves and none of my business, lol. Especially now that we weren't together. I pointed out to him this behavior had happened while we WERE together though, and that was what made me so upset. At this point I pretty much gave him the finger and pushed him out of my life. That is just sleazy and wrong.


How do you others deal with your myspace accounts, whilst single and whilst in a serious relationship? Do your partners have a problem with it? If so, how do you react? What is proper etiquette with these things? I mean, it's not only a dating site but ... *cough ... * I dunno. shady, shady , shady

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Well I haven't had a boyfriend since I opened my account on myspace, but you asked to hear howppl deal with their accounts while single too. I personally love my account. It's brought me back in touch with long lost friends & helped me to get closer with accquatances too. I might actaully be starting to date an ex-accquantance (not sure where it's going yet!)

But anyway... it's all in the way you use you account & how you put yourself out there.

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