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another chance? or more lies in the future?

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i thought i was over this guy. i'm not, apparently. he's in love with-- and dating-- one of my best friends. they've been together for four months this thursday. i thought i had moved on, but, again, i must still love him. i hurt him and i regret doing so, but when i realized how much i really did care--shortly after hurting him-- he had moved on with her.

now, she as of late has brought him up to me at the most inappropriate of times, even though she thought i was over him. her talking about thir relationship has gone from "i'm in such a loving relationship" to "lookie i'm dating your ex who you went crazy over after he dumped you". i've heard rumors from those close to her that she is bored with him.

i could swear that he still cares because i have english with him and we had to present original poems to the class......and hell, if his poem wasn't inspired by me it was about me. "a heart is a hard thing to mend"? (come ON)

someone i was talking with today said i should just tell him straight out how i feel and ask him for another try, and i really didn't see why not. i don't have much to lose with this guy, and the relationship with my so-called friend was shaky anyway, so what have i got to lose?

i'd like some advice........cos i need it.


oh, note this, please: he and i were together for six months with a month break at three months because i was fickle. he dumped me the second time around because i was flirting with another guy and was kind of interested in him but had no intention of persuing said intention.

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okay you obviously hurt him. i think giving it another try is not the worst idea however think about it carefully. think about your reasons: is it really because you like him or is it because hes unavailable? im just saying think. and as you said you dont have much to lose either way so then go for it. you know your situation and you should tlak to him about it see how hes feeling.

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as a guy of about teh same age (17) i can say that you will probably have one more chance...just one. I was thinkin about a situation like this the other day, alot of teenage guys are like puppy's...if you kick them once they'll run away but come back if you kick them again they're gone for good. give it another chance but DONT do what you did before, if you care for him let him know that.


the poem does suggest that he still might care for you, talk to him about it directly, see what he says...if hes not sure or he turns you down give him a bit of space, hes not completely gone but he may need to sort out whats goin thru his head.


-- best of luck


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i really should post on my actual, main username (hmdarkprincess), but seeing as i was discovered by that-- that---*swearing* that is dating my ex right now, i don't really see the point.

oh, don't worry, this is a good thing...in its own way. she told her bf about how i said all those things, and APPARENTLY i got a lot of things wrong. like my feelings. but at the moment i really don't care much about either of them.

don't worry, i'm fine, but this has shown me what an evil and lying little b!tch she is, as is he. (heehee......sorry it's funny).


whee that felt good.



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