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what is wrong with this girl?

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I just can't tell whether or not she likes me. I took her to junior prom last weekend, and before and during the dance she was fine, and we were flirting and it seemed like she was in to me. Then we go to an after party and she just sits there twiddling her thumbs, literally. She doenst really talk unless I talk to her, it really pissed me off. I think she may have been acting this way becuase she was the only girl in the room at the time, and can be pretty shy sometimes. My friend suggested that maybe she was waiting for me to make a move, as her two friends that she was there with were both in other rooms hooking up with their dates, but i dont know about this, as that isnt the best way to go about showing someone that you wanna hook up with them. Anyways, I decided I was just gonna stop sayin hi to her in the hallways and jus forget about her, but today she kept sayin hi to me. I dont know waht to do, and i like her a lot.

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Well stop ignoring her, that's the first thing! Girls love attention, and they love to mess with guys. At the dance if she was flirting with you, it was to get your attention. The after party was her waiting for your response. Now she's realizing that you're a little shy with her and is trying to get your attention again. It's like *poke* *runs and hides*. Now you have to go find her.

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