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Whats with the flirting??

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So this friend starts flirting with me on IM. She's saying all sorts of stuff...you can touch me...we should kiss next time together...etc. Pretty much said "Lets Get It On!!"


Moment of truth comes...I make a move...BAMMO! "Sorry...I didn't mean it that way"


Squeeze me?? I made my intentions very clear...and I thought she did hers. Now it's all in that quazzi-friend uncomfortable stage.


I'm 20 yrs older...not inexperienced at all...she's 21.


I don't need any advice...just a note to the ladies. Being flirtatious and flirting is fine to a point. Don't make intentions you don't plan on following through with. All will be well in time.

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Yup - while taunting the opposite sex at times can be wicked fun, it's probably not a great idea.


Not at all...it went from.... you're sexy>>>you could touch my "gooodies" if you want>>>Sure I'll come to your empty house>>>Sure I'll sit with you on your bed>>>Oh...no...I didn't mean we would be fooling around.


Lucky for her, I'm not one to force myself...in other words...girls like this get raped. Sorry ladies, NO does mean NO, but you can help yourselves by being a little less "taunting".

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Sorry, but I have to say the flirting thing goes both ways! I am 19 and the guy I like is 39, we flirt constantly. I know that I would hold up my end of the bargin, but he makes me get my hopes up! (Although neither of us has REALLY made a move) SO this message goes out to all the guys too, don't tease! (LOL)

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  • 4 weeks later...



Ok...so all the flirting was for real....she thought I told her to stop with the flirting...(I grabbed her hand, pulled her towards me and said.."You're pretty flirty these days") Whatever...we cleared it up...


And now I have a 20 yr younger gf...well sorta...kinda on the downlow..


Trying to keep it all sensable...we both know there is no future...so don't rant on me. We're enjoying our time...enuff said.

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