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I need advice from the men out there...Will he call me back?

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i know your hurting, and honestly...before the email stunt you had a chance yes. However, after reading his mail and letting him know it...you might have pulled a last straw.


This isn't all bad though, from the sounds of things he had a double personality when it comes to you, to cry to you and make over your relationship like it was his life, and then ask his ex if she had any hot friends says that he is just searching for female attention.


I say keep ignoring him, once he hits rock bottom he'll come crawling back and if that happens itll be up to you whether or not the situation is right to take him back...your decision, hope you make the right one!



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heh my wisdom stems directly from me doing the same thing!


reading email is VERY Satisfying while your reading it...but not so sastisfying once you discover something you don't want to hear or that other person finds out.


For me, it almost ended up in a fight with a Navy SEAL in training which..even though im a tall guy (6'7 220)...didn't bode well for me lmao.


keep me posted, having personal experience with matters like this im interested in how it turns out 8)



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To me this guy really doesn't know what he wants(confused) and when they are in that state you leave them well alone ie. NC!!


From my experience, when he told me he loved me but needed his space, I couldn't except it and I would call him back which was basically harassment in his eyes even though I just saw it as a natural response to being rejected which is what it felt like...from this I pushed him well away.


Before I came on this site I didnt really know abobut how to be in a relationship and how to be when you've broken up and now I know I have made silly minor mistakes which in effect, probably lead to us breaking up. So I have learn't to NC, to heal and not hope and If he wants to come back he will.


Also in your case what really wasn't a good idea was looking at his emails, that is the worst anyone can do, I know you were suspicious maybe but you still have no right, and now you ex is be very mad at you for investigating into his private life such as email or diary whatever.


So the best thing now is to leave him alone and dont contact becasue it will only remind him of what you did, I know he wasnt clear with you from the start but sometimes men go through these phases and hopefully it is a phase.....give him the space he needs, it might just be a rough patch but right now NC is very important, so you can heal up so that just incase he says he never wants to be with you again, you will be able to except it without breaking down or conversly if he wants you back you will be healed and mentally ready to accept him back into your life and will be able to tell him what needs to be worked on in the relaitonship, so he clearly knows that if he messes with your head again, there will be no more chances!!!


I hope for the best, but deal with yourself now.

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Thank-you so much

You guys out there are awesome, I'm going through a nightmare, but reading all of your posts, has given me strength to carry on and not hurt, or humiliate myself any more than I already have... I really miss, and do love him. He has a good heart under all that anger, but I will take all of your wise advice and continue the NC rule!


thanks and much love


Stay tuned and I'll keep you posted.

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yea you go girl, it will be alright in the end, its hard not to contact someone you love but if you will love him you will respect his space and thats only if you stick to NC.

You know what he will respect you for having the Self Dignity to be able to move on without contacting him and that alone will probably make him miss you, so dont worry time will tell and time is a healer... Remember it might seem for ever doing NC, but remember its all for good reasons, to heal and to possibly have you ex back in your arms and the bonus will be that you will be a stronger and more positive...


Hang in there girl, YOU CAN DO IT!! tell yourself that everyday!!

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Thanks everyone...I had a really really bad day of missing him today but I did not contact him! I cried for twenty minutes in the shower and I felt better. I see my therapist on Tues and I hope that will help me to remain strong during this healing time.

This will be the first time I ever sought therapy, but I think I need it. If anyone out there has been in therapy, let me know if it's worth it.






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