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I talked to this girl a couple times at a bar/cafe place (she is maybe around 26). This was no date.. she just happened to be there when I was there. The other night I talked with the girl for an hour or so and really hit it off. As I usually do when talking with girls. THe thing is I don't want to pursue this girl with the whole date stuff..


So we left together and she had to walk and I was getting on my motorcycle so I decided to say "so your not going to invite me over" This was late in the night.. and I kind of knew she would say no.. but I just said it anyway. Who knows right, was hoping for the 1% chance I would be accepted over.

This was totally unexpected by her and she said in a excited "Noooo" and laughed.. which I expected. I think she could of also said like a loud "WHAT". SO I just said it was a joke.

Now this girl is not out of my league or anything and I THINK I could possibly have a chance if I took things slow.. but I don't want to with her.



Well I was thinking after that maybe this was just really rude to do.

So what do you think about this? LIke how would you girls take it if someone said that to you only after meeting you a couple times in a bar/cafe.


How do you think this girl will act when I see her again?

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I don't think it was necessarily rude, but more unexpected to her. After having said the reply you should have jokingly said, "naw, I'm just kidding, but maybe one day when we get to know each other better. Don't beat yourself up over this. I see it as a honest mistake that shouldn't spoil the relationship. speak to her if it's really bugging you and if you want her to know that you're not a rude pig!!

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