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I never thought I was abused or anything, and I guess I have put this in the back of my mind, but when I was about 10 I touched my dad, and he said it was ok. I dont want to go into specifics. He does other things that I dont like, but he is not bad. He didnt force me to do anything but he did say it was ok. I dont think I knew what I was doing. Im confused. Can anyone tell me what this is ?

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It does not matter if you knew what you were doing or not. He is the adult and for him to take advantage of your naivitivty (did I spell that right?) is just as bad as forcing you.


What happened was not your fault. He should have never said it was ok.


This is called Sexual harasssment and needs to be dealt with. What your father did was wrong and even though you love him, do not try to justify his actions.


He was the adult. You were the child. That makes all the difference in who's fault it was.


Sometimes we cannot stop or prevent certain things from happening to us. Even so, dont let the past stop you from living the present. When I say this also, I dont mean to also just let it go like it was ok.


This issue needs a lot of confronting.


I never thought I was abused or anything, and I guess I have put this in the back of my mind, but when I was about 10 I touched my dad, and he said it was ok. I dont want to go into specifics. He does other things that I dont like, but he is not bad. He didnt force me to do anything but he did say it was ok. I dont think I knew what I was doing. Im confused. Can anyone tell me what this is ?
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I have a sibling who was sexually abused, forcefully. If I was older back when it happened I would have literally committed murder, no joke. You need to tell your mother about it and go to the police. I'm sorry, there's absolutely no excuse for his behavior. You don't realize what kind of damage this does to a person, and you may not understand it now, but it WILL have a dramatic affect on you later. TAKE ACTION NOW.....SERIOUSLY.

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Are you still living with him??? If you are you need to get away from him. does he still ask you to do things? You need to tell your mother, If you don't have a mother (just in case) then You need to find another relitive that can go to the police or take you out of there and know how to handle things. How old are you? It isn't right that he would do that, I think there is definetly something wrong with him if he tells his daughter it's ok, He could have done or still be doing this to other kids too, you need to speak up to a relitive about this (or a friend, adult of course). I wish you the best. If you ever need to talk you can always pm me. I've been through similar situations (prob not as bad, but similar) and can be here for you if you need.

good luck!!!


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Thanx for all your replies. This only happened once. I was starting at the age to get curious and I wanted to have sex. I am too embaressed to tell anyone. No, I dont live with my dad, but I see him. I think I had put this in the back of my mind..Could this be why i feel weird about sexual things, and havent done anything?

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Most likely, that has a lot to do with it.


You have nothing to be ashamed of. This happens to so many people. Nomatter how many times or how little it may have been, what happened is wrong.


If anything, you should confront your dad and tell him how you feel and ask him exactly what he was doing there. If you leave it in the back of your mind... then... you're still leaving it in your mind.


Good luck to you. Really.



Thanx for all your replies. This only happened once. I was starting at the age to get curious and I wanted to have sex. I am too embaressed to tell anyone. No, I dont live with my dad, but I see him. I think I had put this in the back of my mind..Could this be why i feel weird about sexual things, and havent done anything?
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