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Is this possible if I work hard enough do you thinK?

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Ok I know this is like a way weird question which Im not even sure if we have ever seen on here before, but I'm gonna go for it and ask anyway.

alright, Now I've been really chubby (little girl chubby ) and have a little poochy(belly) and well I even had the poochy a little when I used to be skinny.

Ok the thing is that I never really had the will power (or at least didn't use it) to get in shape how I used to be. well I wanna be in even better shape then I used to be. I really look up to this one actress angelina Jolie and I want my body to look like hers. I mean I know my boobs wont and all cause I have small ones, but I'm talking about like her arms and her stomach and legs. I wouldn't ever go have surgery to change my face or anything I just want to make my body like hers, and not by surgery. I mean to me she has the perfect body, she's not all muscely but she's toned. I want that, but I dont' know if that is possible.

How much would I have to work out and diet, and what kind of working out do you guys think I would have to do? sorry I know it's silly but I'm not gonna ask my mom cause she'll say i'm silly and have expectations that I wouldn't be able to get.

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Angelina Jolie does work out yes, so you would need to work out to get that muscle tone she has. In some of her movies she is VERY buff as you can see.


But I think instead of focusing on looking like her, you should focus on developing your own strength as your body will develop at its own pace and still might not look just like hers.


Your best option would be to talk to a personal trainer about your options for working out training - it would require a mix of both weight/strength training and cardio and they are the best to help develop that plan - a trainer will get you doing core work, arms, chest, back, and cardio regularly to lose fat too according to what will work best for you. And of course, a big part of your results will also come through your nutrition - that includes proper calorie intake, and the right BALANCE of foods. Healthy veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean meat, fish, low fat dairy and so on. A balance is key.


Trust me, you CAN do it. Many people transform their bodies, don't listen to your mother about that. I have seen women who weighed 250 lbs become fitness competitors and lose tons of weight - it CAN be done.

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I agree you need to do this for you, about you... It is good to have a 'picture' of what you wish to attain, but keep it realistic for you and your body type... A personal trainer is a great idea. If you cant go that route (money or whatever) then talk to your doctor or someone from the local healthclub (I mean a worker there, not a customer...)

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Watch out because personal trainers can be very expensive. I suggest if you are going to get one to really pay attention to what they have you doing and then stop seeing them once you've got your routine down. They are like- around here- about $100 a session- which can add up. I do yoga and pilaties and swim- it makes you develop lean muscles without looking "buff" if you know what I mean.

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